Posts tagged prioritizing
5 Powerful Ways Learning at an Organizing Conference Encourages Possibilities

What happens when you have so many possibilities? Do you feel overwhelmed? Do you get stuck? Are you unable to make decisions or take action? It’s terrific to have options and know there are lots of possibilities. However, when the scope is too large, the choices can feel more like a burden than an inspiration.

Last week, I attended the ICD conference near Boston with over 100 organizing colleagues from around the globe. It felt amazing to be together in person again, be with my colleagues, and meet new friends. We learned from incredible experts during seven 90-minute sessions. It was wonderful, intense, and emotional. There were sessions about dementia, hoarding, neurodiversity, ADHD, anxiety, time management, and mindset.

By the end, my brain felt drippy, like a sponge that couldn’t absorb more liquid. Of course, I want to share everything I learned with you. As I sat to write this, I got overwhelmed by the options and possibilities. So, guess what? I’m dialing it back from my 16 pages of notes to share information from five of the sessions. I hope the ideas open up something for you- a new perspective, reframe, or possibility.


5 Powerful Ways Learning Encourages Possibilities

1. DEMENTIA | “I am who I am. I’m just different.”

Beth Nolan, PhD, the Director of Research and Policy for Teepa Snow’s Positive Approach to Care™ (PAC), said there are 100+ causes and types of dementia. One way to help is to understand while dementia “robs” the person of many things, they still have skills and strengths. Identify and focus on those.

My mom was diagnosed with vascular dementia in 2013 and passed away in 2021. While many of her abilities were compromised over those eight years, I was always inspired by what remained, like her ability to make music, play the piano, sing, and express love. She was still my mom, just different.



2. HOARDING | “Hoarding isn’t just a house problem. It’s a mental health problem.”

Dr. David Tolin, the Founder and Director of the Anxiety Disorders Center at the Institute for Living and Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry at Yale University School of Medicine, said Hoarding Disorder became a standalone diagnosis in the 2013 DSM-5. The hallmarks of the disorder are having difficulty discarding or parting with possessions and having a visible manifestation of clutter build up with the home no longer useable for its intended purpose.

For people with Hoarding Disorder, “Saving happens because tossing is distressing, not liberating or freeing.”

Dr. Tolin shared these statistics:

  • The drive to acquire and save affects 2-5% of the population worldwide.

  • Hoarding Disorder is twice as common as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

  • Hoarding Disorder begins at a young age (6-16) and worsens with age. It does not get better on its own.

While Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of the most successful treatment methods for Hoarding Disorder, it is not 100% effective. Through continuing research, Dr. Tolin is committed to better understanding the psychology and biology of hoarding behavior and discovering ways to boost CBT’s efficacy.


Saving happens because tossing is distressing, not liberating or freeing.
— Dr. David Tolin


3. NEURODIVERSITY | “The value of life can’t and shouldn’t be based on productivity. It leaves a lot of people out.”

Devon Price, PhD, a social psychologist, professor, researcher, author, and proud Autistic person, was diagnosed with autism after finishing his PhD and experiencing “autistic burnout.”

Some of autism’s distinguishing characteristics include sensory input challenges, such as loud sounds and eye contact, which are painful. Processing is slower, but it’s a strength because they catch small details and are more detail-oriented. However, because the world moves fast, it doesn’t support how they process, so they feel more disabled.

Devon prefers identity-first language- “autistic person,” “autistic,” and “disabled person.” He said to avoid “differently abled” or “special needs.”



4. ADHD | “Successful ADHD women look successful on the outside and feel inadequate on the inside.”

Linda Roggli, PCC, creator of the ADHD Palooza series, a Professional Certified Coach, and author and founder of the A-D-Diva Network for ADHD women 40-and-better said she has an “ADHD brain.” 

The ADHD inattentive type is most prevalent in women. Some distinguishing factors include a busy brain, low energy, high worry, inability to concentrate, being distracted by one’s thoughts, daydreaming, difficulty following through and prioritizing, misplacing things, being talkative, impatient, having low self-esteem, not having great a working memory, making impulsive decisions, and feeling restless.

Roggli said understanding the impact of hormones on women with ADHD is essential. The brain works better with more estrogen. Estrogen affects dopamine. The ADHD brain lacks dopamine. Menopause decreases estrogen by 50% and keeps getting lower.

Most women with ADHD have comorbid conditions or “sidecars.” They include:

  • 30-40% - 1 Depressive episode

  • 50% - Learning differences

  • 10-20% Bipolar

  • 30% OCD

  • Up to 50% - Addictions



5. ANXIETY | “The more you care, the more you worry. Anxiety means I care. You can’t teach people not to care. You can only teach how to manage anxiety.”

Dr. Alicia Clark, a psychologist and author of Hack Your Anxiety, said 40% of people experience persistent stress, and only 36% get help. She also said:

  • Women suffer from anxiety 1.6 times more than men.

  • Post-pandemic, anxiety and depression increased by three times.

  • The visual distraction of clutter increases cognitive overload and decreases working memory.

Anxiety shows up in the “emotional landscape” of the organizing work we do with our clients. These can appear as fear of change, failure, facing emotional memory of things, letting go, and making mistakes.

Dr. Clark described four forms of anxiety – Whisper, Chatter, Nagging, and Yelling. She explained they are not all bad. Chatter anxiety is referred to as “good stress.” You can reframe anxiety and recognize that it drives motivation. She suggests using “anxiety to change what is in your control,” focusing on progress, reframing setbacks as part of the growth process, and getting adequate sleep.


Possibilities open up when we understand more about our psychological, emotional, and biological states. I was deeply moved by the presenters, the stories and insights they shared, and how they connected to many of my clients. It is a privilege to be part of their journey. I have the utmost respect and admiration for my clients’ determination and how they face their challenges.

What possibilities appeared for you? Did you discover any surprises? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

Here Are Today's Interesting and Best Time-Related Discoveries - v35

The newest installment (v35) of the “What’s Interesting?” feature has my latest finds informing, educating, and relating to organizing and life balance. These unique, inspiring, time-related discoveries reflect this month’s blog theme.

You are a generous, communicative, and engaged group. I am deeply grateful for your presence, positive energy, and contributions to this community. I look forward to your participation and additions to the collection I’ve sourced.

What do you find interesting?


What’s Interesting? – 5 Best Time-Related Discoveries

1. Interesting Read – Slow Time

Does life feel hectic? Are your days overfilled with endless commitments and to-dos?  In Seeking Slow – Reclaim Moments of Calm in Your Day, writer and photographer Melanie Barnes shares her philosophy and practices of “slow living.”  It’s “a lifestyle that encourages a slower rhythm and values a mindful approach…It is about intentionally doing things and being present for each part of our day.”

This small, beautifully designed book encompasses living in a digital age, managing our time, creating a slow home, establishing slow-living rituals, and more. Barnes emphasizes, “Time is a resource that we simply cannot get back. Once it has gone, it is gone.”

Thoughtful questions include:

  • How can we use our time in a way that makes our lives meaningful?

  • What are we here for?

  • What is our purpose?

  • What is important to us?

  • What are our priorities?



2. Interesting Product – List Time

If you are easily overwhelmed by your daily tasks, Today’s Plan of Attack 4”x6” sticky notes by Knock Knock will help focus your thoughts and time. The categories and allotted space on the pad encourage a realistic approach to your day.

Organize them by what’s “most critical,” “would be nice,” or “not a chance.” Planning and prioritizing your tasks will give your day better flow and more satisfaction.



Time is a resource that we simply cannot get back.
— Melanie Barnes

3. Interesting Article  – Productivity Time

In the “Your Productive Brain” article in BBC Science Focus, neuroscientist, author, and comedian Dr. Dean Burnett shares his best and worst productivity tips. He identifies which productivity strategies are myths versus ones that work and are backed by science. For example, it is a myth that waking at 4am will make you more productive. However, waking up when you’ve had a sufficient sleep is more advantageous (and productivity-inducing) than waking at 4am.

Other science-based productivity tips include listening to “some sort of background noise,” incorporating greenery in your workplace, exercising regularly, and eating healthfully. These have a positive influence on how our brain functions and result in boosting productivity. What enhances your productivity?



4. Interesting Resource – Reflection Time

FutureMe is a simple, surprising, and powerful resource. Go to their website to write a custom letter to yourself. It will be delivered by email at a future designated time you choose. Reflect and engage with time to send a positive message, capture a significant moment, create accountability around a goal, or share a challenge. You decide your message’s content, purpose, and delivery schedule. What a fascinating way to live in the present while touching the future. What message will you send to your future self?



5. Interesting Thought – Happy Time

As we transition from one season to the next, focus on being productive, and organizing your life, don’t neglect to make time for those things that bring you joy and happiness.

Over the last few weekends, I had some “make your soul happy” times. Exploring new places, meandering in nature, spending time with my husband and kids, eating special and delicious meals, walking along the High Line, and seeing “The Music Man” on Broadway helped restore and replenish my being. Making time to do things that make you happy isn’t frivolous. It’s essential to your wellbeing. What’s on your list?


What are your interesting time discoveries? Which of these resonate with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

Is It Now Recommended to Simultaneously Prioritize Joy and Declutter?

Many of my virtual organizing clients are overwhelmed by clutter, so they reach out for help. One of the common threads is the sense they need to postpone all fun and joy until they completely declutter. In truth, it’s challenging to work intensely without taking a break or replenishing your reserves. Having joy-infused counterbalances to organizing can bring renewed energy and focus.

Earlier this week, I had an Executive Mom Nest meeting where we talked about ways to prioritize joy. Transformational Coach Advisor Leesa Askew gave us a writing exercise to list 20 things that bring us joy. They didn’t have to be big things. Our lists mainly focused on simple stuff. Some of mine included:

  • Taking that first sip of coffee in the morning 

  • Walking in nature

  • Walking with a friend

  • Writing in my journal

  • Being at the beach

  • Sitting in the sun

  • Taking photos

  • Talking with our kids

  • Smelling the lilacs

At the end of the meeting, we were encouraged to select one item from our joy list and commit to doing it that day. I knew right away which one to choose- smelling the lilacs! As their blooming season is short, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to take in their intoxicating scent.

While running errands, I had driven past this gorgeous blooming bush of lilacs several times. I thought, “Linda, stop the car, get out, and smell them.”  However, in the interest of getting things done, I kept driving. Or, I chose to postpone this simple moment of joy to do other things. Does that sound familiar? Have you ever decided not to have fun or lean into a special moment because you were preoccupied with something else?

After the prioritizing joy conversation, I made an intentional trip to the lilacs. When I arrived, I parked my car and walked down the block. I leaned over, placed my nose close to the lavender flowers, took a deep breath, and let the fragrance flood my senses. It was a happy moment.

Prioritizing joy and decluttering aren’t mutually exclusive.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO

For you, joy might come in other forms. Instead of nature, lilacs, and sun, you might prefer a coffee date with a friend, curling up with a good book, or eating by candlelight. The possibilities abound. You can simultaneously prioritize decluttering, organizing, or any large project and engage in joyous moments. Prioritizing joy and decluttering aren’t mutually exclusive. In fact, prioritizing regular encounters with delight will help you approach the challenging parts of your day with clarity and perspective.

Do you postpone fun and joy when you’re feeling overwhelmed by clutter? What brings you joy? What overwhelms you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

3 Hopeful Ideas Motivated Big Changes in My Life Which Can Really Help You Too

It’s fascinating how big changes are made. They start with small, almost unnoticeable habit shifts. On your journey to be free of clutter, you donate a bag of rarely worn clothes or edit and clear the pile of unsorted mail from your kitchen counter. These tiny, single actions can bring about significant changes when consistency and support are added to your effort. 

The other aspect of making meaningful changes is the need for time and mental energy to make them happen. When you’re preoccupied, running as fast as you can to keep up, or emotionally exhausted, change is the last thing on your mind. You can’t stop your life to make a change. Instead, to integrate new habits, it’s essential to create space in your life for prioritizing the change you desire

In the last several years, I’ve experienced many emotional energy pulls. These included taking care of my mom with dementia, saying my final good-byes to her last March, grieving, navigating the pandemic’s effects on my organizing business, and preparing for and having our youngest daughter’s wedding at our home during the pandemic. Despite these emotional highs and lows, I’ve found focused intervals to bring about changes in my life. Admittedly, many of these changes came into being when I had more mental energy to give them.

Coincidentally, the three anchors/words, which rhyme, kept me motivated and focused on my desired changes. They are Zoom, Noom, and Room.

While these specific ideas might not be on your change radar, I encourage you to consider which words are. Which anchors will help you pursue the changes you seek? How will you make the space and time for change to flourish?


3 Hopeful Ideas Motivated Big Changes in My Life Which Can Help You Too

1. Zoom

Communication, relationships, and community are some of my treasured values. When the pandemic arrived, many communication networks halted. Most in-person contact was suspended. I couldn’t visit with family, friends, colleagues, or clients. Sure I still had the phone, text, and email, but physical contact was limited and non-existent for extended periods.

Using Zoom became an incredible go-to tool that helped me slowly change and think about how I interacted, did business, and stayed socially active. I’m guessing that many of you are Zoomed-out, but for me, Zoom continues to be a viable way for navigating life and keeping connected with people. 

I embraced communication changes and used Zoom to-

Zoom provided a channel to nurture and develop relationships, shift my organizing business, learn, and teach. While most in-person activities are now possible as many pandemic restrictions lift, Zoom still remains a viable way for me to stay connected. The platform allowed me to be flexible during these last few years, quickly embrace change, and support what I value most.



2.  Noom

Being healthy is a top priority for me. While I had some healthy practices like meditating daily and eating lots of fruits and vegetables, I wanted to change other habits. For what seems like a bazillion years, one of my goals has been to ‘lose 10 pounds.’ I’ve never been a dieter and didn’t like the idea of going on a diet. Instead, about five years ago, I saw a tremendously helpful nutritionist. She gave me a better understanding of what foods and portions were best for me. Over eight months, I lost 15 pounds. But then, in time, I gained it back and more.  The ongoing support was vital, and the difference was noticeable when I stopped seeing her.

Do you remember how I spoke about having the time and mental energy to bring about change? It takes focused effort to make eating and other lifestyle changes. When my mom died, I was emotionally exhausted. It took me months to get my energy back. When it returned, I felt ready to refocus on my health and make some changes.

In September, I signed up for Noom. It’s a weight loss app with a psychology-based approach to “help you change not just how you eat, but how you think.” It’s well-designed and simple to use. The app with built-in accountability helps me keep daily food logs, understand my calorie budget, track water intake, daily exercise, and weight. You are assigned a personal Coach and receive short articles every day, which encourage, motivate, and explain the psychology of habits.

While I’m still working towards my target goal, in five months, I have lost 18.5 pounds, I’m drinking 9 glasses of water a day, and walking an average of 10,000 steps a day. There have been other changes such as losing many inches around my body, clothing fitting better, feeling more energetic, learning new skills, and knowing I have a doable life-changing plan that’s working.

A bonus surprise was my husband signed up for Noom with me. He’s made incredible changes, and I’m so proud of him. We support one another, which is invaluable.

With any significant life change, it’s essential to have ongoing support, whether an app, person, Coach or all of those. If you’re curious about Noom, click here to learn more.

What do you need to bring about the habit changes you desire?


Big changes start with small actions.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™


3. Room

This last idea is about creating both physical and mental space in your life to feel calm, have room to think, and live with less stress. These changes were worth pursuing, and I have worked years to get there. For me, there is the physical manifestation, which comes in the form of an uncluttered home filled with colors, textures, and scents that soothe and delight. 

One of the goals I worked on last summer into fall, inspired by our vacation staying in a tiny house, was my ‘live with less’ project. While I had lots of stuff, I recognized I didn’t need or want it all. I started randomly going through drawers, closets, and files to let go of unnecessary things. It was cathartic and surprising how much stuff exited. I don’t miss anything.

The other part of ‘room’ is making space for your mental well-being. For me, that’s having quiet time, finding cozy spots to write, journal, or read, spending time in nature, exploring and photographing, meditating, or doing yoga. It’s making room for self-care and carving out time to feed my soul.

Especially with all that has happened in the world and the ongoing challenges, making time to replenish yourself is critical. It’s all too easy to get derailed by a crisis near or far. Our bodies are not designed to sustain continual stress.

What would it take to make room for you? What changes will help make room and space for your physical and emotional well-being?

Big changes start with small actions. What will be your anchors for change? What will provide motivation and support for the changes you desire? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.