Posts in Too Little Time
Life Moves Really Fast, Yet Do You Appreciate the Value of a Timely Pause?

Time keeps ticking. The sun rises and sets each day. Is it just me, or do the days feel like they are passing at an accelerated speed? Here we are at the start of summer, yet it seems like 2023 just began. The days are packed with things to do, organize, and follow up on. Special days are punctuated by birthdays, graduations, births, weddings, and anniversaries. Especially during this time of year, there are many endings and new beginnings. These celebrations increase the passage of time awareness.

You experience longer pauses each day when you sleep. But often, during the non-sleeping hours, you are going, going, going. Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for making the most of each day and being productive. However, there is also tremendous value in taking a timely pause or break from your routine. It’s wonderful if you can build in short daily pauses. Mine include mindfulness meditation, nature walks, or slowly sipping iced coffee. What are your short breaks like?

Long, planned pauses are also beneficial. These extended breaks, like a day off, long weekends, or vacations, nurture your well-being. Routines are helpful to establish, but switching your patterns can be restorative and energizing. It’s easy to forget the importance of not-doing and taking a break, especially when working so much. You will burn out if you get consumed in doing and accomplishing without pausing.

My husband Steve and I just celebrated our 40th anniversary. Talk about time passing quickly! I don’t know where the years have gone. To celebrate, we traveled to Turks & Caicos. We loved it, especially the slower “island time” pace, which was palpable and contagious. Within a few days, the warm air, soft white sand, clear turquoise water, and calm pace worked their magic on us. We leaned into the pause 100%. We woke up without alarms, went to bed when we wanted, and spent hours floating in the beautiful sea each day. We had no plans and allowed each day to unfold with a few exceptions.

Life is about contrasts- night and day, warm and cold, activate and pause. I appreciate working hard but I also know how essential it is to take breaks. Even tiny ones are helpful. But after taking a break for over a week, I also recognize the value of long pauses.

Time keeps ticking. Prioritizing time to play, relax, wander, swim, float, and celebrate with my best friend and husband of 40 years is essential. It’s been a while since we took that much time off, and I’m so happy we did. There are more pauses in my future- some short, some extended. They are essential.

You will burn out if you become consumed in doing and accomplishing without pausing.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

How do you know when it’s time for a pause? What do your breaks look and feel like? I’d love to hear your thoughts and invite you to join the conversation.

One Absolutely Effective Time Crafting Strategy to Bring You Clarity

Do you know Jonathan Larson’s iconic “Seasons of Love” song from the musical “Rent”? It begins with “five-hundred, twenty-five thousand, six-hundred minutes,” the number of minutes a year. He asks, “How do you measure, measure a year?” Jonathan continues with questions about how to measure a year in the life and the life of a woman or a man. Every time I hear it, this beautiful ballad reminds me of how precious time is. It brings me to tears.

Our time is limited, so what we choose to do with it and how we acknowledge and appreciate it matters.

In Happier Hour, Cassie Holmes shares several “time crafting strategies” which encourage focusing on positive experiences. She proposes that making time to do this will bring you more clarity, satisfaction, and happiness.

One strategy she learned from her friend who practices it with her kids on their car rides home from school. I encourage you to try it with your kids, partner, friends, or colleagues. You can also do this as a solo practice. I slightly modified the concept for our purpose and am sharing the three-part practice with you.


Effective Time Crafting Strategy

1. The Rose – Something Good

Share something good that happened. This immediately focuses your thoughts on the positive and encourages gratitude for the time you are in now.


2. The Thorn – Something Bad

Share something crummy that happened. This helps develop problem-solving skills and acknowledges that life isn’t only rosey. Challenges are part of life.


3. The Bud – Something Exciting

Share something you are excited about. While it’s terrific to be mindful and in the present moment, looking to the future with happy anticipation extends your joy quotient and enhances your time.


Time passes in the blink of an eye.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

Here is an example of my rose, thorn, and bud.

  • Rose – I had a productive virtual organizing session with a new client and loved helping her accomplish her session goal.

  • Thorn – I couldn’t make it through the yoga class because I wasn’t feeling well.

  • Bud – I’m so excited we’re going to Turks & Caicos to celebrate our 40th Anniversary!


Time passes in the blink of an eye. Acknowledging what you are grateful for and learning from the challenges can enhance and bring clarity to your days.

Are you making time to reflect? What are your rose, thorn, and bud? I’d love to hear your thoughts and invite you to join the conversation.


Seasons of Love - RENT (2008 Broadway Cast)

Is It Time to Effectively Focus One Useful Phrase to Get Unstuck?

Have you ever felt stuck, overwhelmed, and unsure about how to move forward? If so, you’re not alone. It’s fascinating how, when you’re in that stuck mode, time seems to slow down like the speed of molasses dripping from a spoon. It can feel challenging to activate and figure out what to do next. When you’re in an overwhelmed-and-stuck-headspace, negative thoughts can pile on, adding another layer of complication.

This ‘stuck’ place is often the starting point for my virtual organizing clients. One of my greatest joys is facilitating change so my clients can reach their goals and focus on what is most important to them. When my clients make time with me to think, question, and process, it gives them the space to find their way forward. Recently, I worked with clients to create portable workspaces, refine paper management and workflow systems, establish time and scheduling boundaries, prioritize to-do lists, and declutter spaces that had been piled for years.


If you find yourself in this overwhelmed, stymied place and are unsure how to move forward, the first step is identifying it. Then acknowledge this is an area for growth and say, “That’s my work.”

Stop beating yourself up. Refrain from going into negative self-talk or black and white thinking with “I’ll never get organized” or “I’m always going to be overwhelmed.” Stop perpetuating untruths.

That’s my work.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD, CVOP™

Instead, see where you are stuck and simply, gently, and matter-of-factly repeat, “That’s my work.” It’s your opportunity to develop. What you choose to do next might be breathing and decluttering one big pile. Or, you might decide to enlist help from a trusted family member, friend, or professional organizer like me. Having a buddy as you sort, edit, and ponder can be valuable.

However you choose to move ahead when you’re bothered, stuck, or overwhelmed, remind yourself, “That’s my work.” Then lean in and seize the opening to make a change. It’s time. You can find your way forward.

How do you respond when you are stuck? Do you go it alone or reach out for help? What helps you move forward? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

How to Prioritize Your Time and Celebrate Life's Joyful Moments

Time passes with the ticking of the clock. We measure our lives in seconds, hours, years, and decades. We also feel the passage of time by marking life’s milestones. Where does our time go? More importantly, what are you doing with the time you have? We prioritize our lives intentionally through what we choose to do or not do. When you think about how you prioritize your days, what comes up?

Are you spending time with people who make you happy? Are you working on projects that fulfill you? Are you caring for others and neglecting your self-care? Are you making time to reflect, learn, and grow? Are you organizing the aspects of your life that prevent you from living your best self?

As a professional organizer, I help my clients work through their organizational challenges and hiccups to get unstuck and create a better flow. Getting organized isn’t their end goal. Being organized creates a smooth base, so they have more time to focus on what is truly important to them. We remove the organizational chaos to make space for life’s joys.

In the process of becoming organized, life doesn’t stop. There will be many significant moments to celebrate. Lean into the joys life offers. Take time for the quiet moments of beauty, like when the sun first rises in the morning or the colorful pops of summer flowers grace the landscape. Appreciate life’s significant milestones like graduations, weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries. Celebrate and treasure them.

We prioritize our lives intentionally through what we choose to do or not do.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

Feeling so grateful today for this celebratory weekend. Our youngest daughter turned 30. My husband, Steve, and I are celebrating our 39th anniversary. And to all the wonderful dads, here’s to the vital role you play in our children’s lives. Wishing you a Happy Father’s Day!

Time passes. Notice moments, celebrate milestones, and embrace all life’s love, happiness, and joy.

How do you spend your time? What are you celebrating now? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.