Posts tagged relax
Here Are Today's Most Interesting and Best Next Step Discoveries - v44

This is the newest release (v44) of the “What’s Interesting?” feature, with my latest finds that inform, educate, and relate to organizing and life balance. These unique, inspiring, next step discoveries reflect this month’s blog theme.

You are a passionate, generous, and engaged group. I am deeply grateful for your ongoing presence, positive energy, and contributions to this community. I look forward to your participation and additions to the collection I’ve sourced.

What do you find interesting?


What’s Interesting? – 5 Best Next Step Discoveries

1. Interesting Read – Brave Next Step

Fear can color your choices and how you experience your life. In Todd Henry’s new work, The Brave Habit – A Guide to Courageous Leadership, his goal is “to inspire an epidemic of everyday brave action.” He says, “Bravery exists when we have a vision for a better possible future, and we trust that we have agency to help bring it about.” These ideas are further explored by examining what happens when low to high perceived agency is paired with optimistic or pessimistic visions.

When thinking about the next steps and the consequences of your actions, Todd says, “…almost every action you take, or choice you make has a lingering impact on the world around you, and over time, the impacts of those actions are exponential.”

Todd created The Brave Index to accompany the book. It’s a quick survey that helps you identify areas to develop your capacity for brave work and leadership. Based on your responses, you will receive a customized action plan. Todd says, “Don’t fear wrong action, fear inaction … One small step in the face of fear is enough to dispel its hold on you.”



2. Interesting Workshop – Clutter-Free Next Step

Does your next step include reducing clutter, overwhelm, and disorganization? One in four people struggle with clutter, which can affect their anxiety levels, relationships, sleep, and focus.

If you’re in the Westchester area near Croton on Hudson, New York, join me, Linda Samuels, Professional Organizer, for a live in-person workshop on How to Conquer Clutter. On Thursday, March 21st, from 5:30-7:30 pm Eastern, I’ll present at Design Lab’s monthly speaker series, sponsored by Denise Wenacur of DW Design & Décor. Come say “hi,” network with local professionals, enjoy yummy beverages and treats, and learn empowering clutter insights and solutions.



3. Interesting Article – Unplugged Next Step

March 1st was the Global Day of Unplugging. For 24 hours, we were encouraged to unplug, unwind, relax, and engage in activities that did not involve technology, electronics, or social media.

Did you miss it? That’s OK. You can create your own “unplugged” day or a part of a day at any time. Several of my colleagues wrote terrific articles about the benefits, history, and ideas for unplugging. Is stepping away from your devices next on your agenda? Find inspiration here:


One small step in the face of fear is enough to dispel its hold on you.
— Todd Henry


4. Interesting Resource – Beneficial Next Step

Spring is next. This is an excellent time for editing, letting go, and decluttering your closets and drawers. Do you have clothing and accessories you no longer need, want, or fit? If so, you can clear space and help others.

Consider donating your clothing to The Benefit Shop Foundation Inc. You can drop off things at 185 Kisco Avenue, Suite 101, Mount Kisco, New York. Items will be accepted in March and April, Monday through Friday, from 11 am to 4 pm. Donations are tax-deductible, and tax forms will be available.

The Benefit Shop Foundation will host a fashion pop-up sale on May 17th and May 18th from 10 am to 4 pm. Proceeds will go to various local community-based organizations that help people who live and work in the area.



5. Interesting Thought – Small Next Step

Figuring out what to do next can feel overwhelming. When unsure what to do next or feeling the enormity of a project’s scope, next seems elusive. Instead, focus on making consistent, tiny movements forward.

Each small step lets you experience progress, boosts your motivation, and moves you closer to your goal. Make your next step small and manageable. Do and repeat. Action is your key to progress.

Do you have an interesting, next-step-related discovery? Which of these resonates with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts and invite you to join the conversation.

If you need help deciding on your next step, I’m here to help. Please email me at, call 914-271-5673, or schedule a Discovery Call. Figuring out next is doable, especially with support.

Life Moves Really Fast, Yet Do You Appreciate the Value of a Timely Pause?

Time keeps ticking. The sun rises and sets each day. Is it just me, or do the days feel like they are passing at an accelerated speed? Here we are at the start of summer, yet it seems like 2023 just began. The days are packed with things to do, organize, and follow up on. Special days are punctuated by birthdays, graduations, births, weddings, and anniversaries. Especially during this time of year, there are many endings and new beginnings. These celebrations increase the passage of time awareness.

You experience longer pauses each day when you sleep. But often, during the non-sleeping hours, you are going, going, going. Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for making the most of each day and being productive. However, there is also tremendous value in taking a timely pause or break from your routine. It’s wonderful if you can build in short daily pauses. Mine include mindfulness meditation, nature walks, or slowly sipping iced coffee. What are your short breaks like?

Long, planned pauses are also beneficial. These extended breaks, like a day off, long weekends, or vacations, nurture your well-being. Routines are helpful to establish, but switching your patterns can be restorative and energizing. It’s easy to forget the importance of not-doing and taking a break, especially when working so much. You will burn out if you get consumed in doing and accomplishing without pausing.

My husband Steve and I just celebrated our 40th anniversary. Talk about time passing quickly! I don’t know where the years have gone. To celebrate, we traveled to Turks & Caicos. We loved it, especially the slower “island time” pace, which was palpable and contagious. Within a few days, the warm air, soft white sand, clear turquoise water, and calm pace worked their magic on us. We leaned into the pause 100%. We woke up without alarms, went to bed when we wanted, and spent hours floating in the beautiful sea each day. We had no plans and allowed each day to unfold with a few exceptions.

Life is about contrasts- night and day, warm and cold, activate and pause. I appreciate working hard but I also know how essential it is to take breaks. Even tiny ones are helpful. But after taking a break for over a week, I also recognize the value of long pauses.

Time keeps ticking. Prioritizing time to play, relax, wander, swim, float, and celebrate with my best friend and husband of 40 years is essential. It’s been a while since we took that much time off, and I’m so happy we did. There are more pauses in my future- some short, some extended. They are essential.

You will burn out if you become consumed in doing and accomplishing without pausing.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

How do you know when it’s time for a pause? What do your breaks look and feel like? I’d love to hear your thoughts and invite you to join the conversation.

3 Blissful Ways to Easily Calm Your Mind Clutter

Having a long holiday weekend is a wonderful way to temporarily change the pace of life. That extra time allows you to engage in fun activities, recharge, and break from your usual schedule. It also presents an array of opportunities to calm your mind clutter.

Perhaps your thoughts aren’t intrusive, and you don’t have unproductive worries and thought loops. However, if you experience these challenges regularly or occasionally, I have some ideas to help.

Reflecting at the end of this long leisurely weekend, I realized how my experiences decreasing mind clutter could be valuable solutions for you.

3 Ways to Calm Your Mind Clutter

1. Observing

One of the things I enjoy doing is taking photographs of nature. I love framing images that capture the larger landscape. I also enjoy taking details, like a bee pollinating a flower. Over the weekend, I felt inspired to take pictures with so many gorgeous flowers in bloom. While these photos only take a moment, intently looking helped me focus like the camera lens I look through. In an instant, I see the vibrant colors nature offers or notice details of leaf veins, flower filaments, or light sparkling on the water’s surface.

And guess what? My mind isn’t racing or cluttered with thoughts when I'm present and observing. Maybe taking photos isn’t your thing. That’s absolutely OK. Activate the skill of observing to calm your mind clutter. What do you see in front of you at this very moment? What details are present?



2. Sensing

I am sensitive to the physicality of how things feel. For instance, I will only wear clothes with smooth, not itchy textures. I love the feel of velvet, velour, and other soft fabrics. I also enjoy the feeling of the sun or a cool, gentle breeze on my skin. If I’m in a store ‘window shopping,’ I like to touch things. It helps me see and interpret them in another way.

This weekend, my husband and I visited Field + Supply’s spring makers' market in Kingston, NY. Our daughter, Allison, had a booth for her Level Up Project with a cohort of eight small businesses. We enjoyed walking around, seeing beautifully crafted pieces, and meeting the makers.

We needed a break from the visual and auditory input at one point, so we sat on the lawn to snack and relax. I took off my sandals, and my feet enjoyed the feeling of the cool grass beneath them. Noticing, touching the grass, and acknowledging that pleasant sensation, helped me be in the moment. My mind clutter disappeared.

What sensations are you experiencing now? When you focus on physical sensations, does it distance you from your thoughts and calm your mind clutter?

Activate the skill of observing to calm your mind clutter.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

3. Watering

I’m not talking about watering plants or hydrating yourself. Instead, I use ‘watering’ about being near or in the water. I love doing anything water-related, and kayaking is one of my favorites. There is something so grounding about being on the water, sitting low, and in a boat. I can float and drift or actively paddle to locomote from one part of the river to the next. All the while, I’m surrounded by the ambient nature sounds- water whooshing, birds singing, and the breeze blowing.

Paddling through the water becomes a kind of mindfulness meditation. At the same time, it makes me feel strong and calm. My arms pulling the paddle through the river brings me to the present. My thoughts are focused on precisely what I’m doing. There’s no mind clutter, no mind wandering, just pure enjoyment in the kayak on the water.

Does water have a mind-decluttering effect on you? Maybe kayaking isn’t your thing. How about swimming, jumping waves in the ocean, or taking a bubble bath? Can you use water to calm your mind clutter?

There are many ways to reduce your mental clutter. What resonates with you? Are there other strategies you prefer? I’d love to hear your thoughts and invite you to join the conversation.

How to Have Compassion Navigating Life's Every Day Amazing, Awful, and Ordinary Experiences

As the holiday season arrives, there is much to be grateful for. There are gatherings and celebrations to look forward to with your favorite humans. There are moments of simple ordinary joy like taking your first sip of hot coffee in the morning, crossing off a task from your to-do list, or receiving an encouraging message from a friend. When things are going well, gratitude comes easily, and you lean into those positive feelings. What happens when you experience unpleasantness, inconveniences, or heartbreak? Are you able to navigate with compassion and patience?

I’m having a terrible moment, although I recognize it’s fixable and will pass. My computer is giving me BIG trouble. Yes. I talked with tech support and am working on the problem. There’s more to do, but I guess it’s time to replace my computer. This is not something I want to do right now, but it’s also no fun having my computer crash continually, go as slow as molasses, and not be able to handle the work I do each day. Time, the most precious commodity, is being wasted. My frustration levels are increasing.


During the educational NERCPO conference this weekend, presenter Rubina Motta spoke about productivity and eliminating waste in your processes. She said waste is “anything that adds cost or time without adding value.” Was she talking to me? Rubina explained the “seven deadly wastes,” of which “waiting” was one of them. I understand how waiting is essential and unavoidable at times. However, waiting for my computer programs to load while the multicolored wheel spins or reboots because the computer froze again, I could do without.

There’s a quote by author L.R. Knost, who shares a perspective about life that is both realistic and hopeful. She said,

“Life is amazing. And then it’s awful. And then it’s amazing again. And in between the amazing and awful it’s ordinary and mundane and routine. Breathe in the amazing, hold on through the awful, and relax and exhale during the ordinary. That’s just living heartbreaking, soul-healing, amazing, awful, ordinary life. And it’s breathtakingly beautiful.”

Breathe in the amazing, hold on through the awful, and relax and exhale during the ordinary.
— L.R. Knost

I love Knost’s advice, which I’m going to follow right now.

I will breathe in the amazing as I . . .

  • Marvel at the deep rich red maple leaves dotting the fall landscape

  • Spend time with my loved ones

  • Walk along the river and in the woods

  • Enjoy the flavors, textures, and scents of the foods I eat

  • Hear music that makes me well up with emotion

  • What amazing things will you breathe in?

I will hold on through the awful as I . . .

  • Figure out what tech steps are needed next

  • Grieve for the family and friends who have passed

  • What awful things are you navigating?


I will relax and exhale during the ordinary as I . . .

  • Do my daily mindfulness meditation

  • Practice yoga

  • Journal

  • Brush my teeth

  • Shower

  • Organize my days

  • Get into bed at night

  • What ordinary things are you relaxing into?


Life is a mix of emotions, experiences, joy, heartbreak, and more. Some days are more challenging than others. Extend extra compassion to yourself as you navigate life’s ups and downs. Breathe, hold on, and relax through all that is before you. What are you noticing now? What is your time and attention feeding? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.