Posts tagged flourish
3 Inspiring Messages of Hope That Encourage Possibilities
Tree with orange and red leaves against blue sky

In times of great sadness and struggle, it can be challenging to remain hopeful. Finding peace within yourself or between people fighting each other may feel impossible. However, if we lose hope, the possibilities path closes.

Even in the darkest times, hope exists. It’s up to you to nurture hope and the belief that things can improve. This is especially needed now for our world.

You can also channel messages of hope and encouragement to inspire what’s possible for you. If you feel stuck, sad, and are struggling to move forward, soak in these words of wisdom from three incredible people. What will be possible for you?



3 Inspiring Messages of Hope that Encourage Possibilities


1. “Choose a better thought. Choose a better action.”

Marcy Stoudt, Revel Coach founder, encourages us to see the connection between our thoughts and actions. Are your thoughts leading you in a positive direction or paralyzing you before you begin? What you think affects what you do or don’t do.

It’s time to reframe if negative thoughts don't support positive actions. Positive thoughts will pave the way for actions with better outcomes.

What thought can you rework? How will that influence what is possible?



2. “Find the fascinating in every day.”

Christine Gray Johnson, Nest by Revel Advisor and HR expert, motivates us to find joy and hope daily. She understands that what you focus on greatly influences your day. A curiosity-based lens can help you see opportunities and possibilities. Christine advocates paying attention to what is “fascinating.” What do you find captivating, interesting, attractive, alluring, or engaging?

Develop an awareness of things big and small to stimulate curiosity. Reading a new word or phrase or seeing the beautiful changing colors of the fall landscape can be catalysts. The search for the fascinating can become a positive disruptor in your life. Discovery encourages openness, new ways of thinking, opportunities, and possibilities and fosters hope.


If we lose hope, the possibilities path closes.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™


3. “We miss out on opportunities when we only ask what could go wrong. It’s also worth asking what could go right. Change carries risk: we might fail. But sticking to the status quo also brings risk: we might fail to grow. It’s better to test and learn than to never test at all.”

Adam Grant, organizational psychologist and best-selling author, highlights the connection between opportunity, risk, change, and growth. When a possibility appears, do you focus on adverse outcomes? Does that make it difficult for you to lean in? Or do you also weigh the potential positive outcomes? Adam isn’t advocating that you ignore the risks. He is aware that any change has risks and can result in failure. But the more significant risk is never stepping out or growing.

What becomes possible when you consider the what-could-go-right-and-wrong-factors with the growth mindset lens? Does risk-taking feel different?

When negativity fills your mind, everything feels dark and impossible. The light will turn on by changing your thoughts, focus, and attitude toward risk. Opportunities, possibilities, and hope will flourish. What is possible for you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

Here Are Today's Most Interesting and Best Possibility Discoveries - v42

This is the newest release (v42) of the “What’s Interesting?” feature, with my latest finds that inform, educate, and relate to organizing and life balance. These unique, inspiring, possibility discoveries reflect this month’s blog theme.

You are a passionate, generous, and engaged group. I am deeply grateful for your ongoing presence, positive energy, and contributions to this community. I look forward to your participation and additions to the collection I’ve sourced.

What do you find interesting?


What’s Interesting? – 5 Best Possibility Discoveries

1. Interesting Workshop – Mindful Organizing Possibilities

Are you tired of feeling disorganized and overwhelmed by the clutter in your life? If you answered “yes,”you’re not alone. Various studies suggest a significant connection between cluttered living spaces and feelings of depression, fatigue, stress, anxiety, or cognitive overload. But there’s good news - help is here.

If you are ready to see what’s possible, join me, Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™, Professional Organizer, for an engaging, transformative workshop – 7 Easy Ways to Practice Mindful Organizing: Discovering a Gentle Path Forward, on Thursday, October 19th, from 7:00-8:00pm Eastern. Together, we’ll delve into the world of mindful organizing and uncover the secrets of seven powerful organizing practices that have the potential to change your life.

During this one-hour Zoom workshop, you’ll come away with at least one practical strategy you can immediately implement to create a positive shift in your daily routine. Reserve your spot and register now!



2. Interesting Research – Better Sleep Possibilities

There is a lot of research about the benefits of getting quality sleep (between seven to eight hours a night) and the implications of chronic lack of sleep. Insufficient sleep can cause premature aging and health problems, including high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, stroke, obesity, and heart disease. During a good night’s sleep, the body heals itself while improving cellular and tissue health, cognitive function, immunity, and energy levels.

Neil Paulvin, a longevity and regenerative medicine doctor, helps patients improve extrinsic aging through better lifestyle choices such as management of alcohol consumption, smoking, diet, exercise, stress, and sleep. He attributes the number one cause of aging faster to inadequate sleep. His suggestions for improved sleep include having a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and making your bedroom a sanctuary.

In the article, “Why Are You So Tired? Your Sleep Schedule Needs a Reset,” Dr. M. Safwan Badr, professor and chair of the internal medicine department at Wayne State University, suggests the “3-2-1 rule.” He says to stop:

  • eating three hours before bedtime

  • working two hours before bedtime

  • using electronics one hour before bedtime.

Dr. Emerson M. Wickwire, professor and head of sleep medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, says that clearing your bedroom of physical clutter can also improve the quality of your sleep.

What would be possible if you started your day refreshed after a great night’s sleep?

Shifting your perspective from a fixed to a growth mindset will open up possibilities.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

3. Interesting Read – Boundary-Creating Possibilities

Do you feel pulled in multiple directions, overwhelmed by choices, or have difficulty moving forward? Do you find it challenging to set boundaries? When that happens, your possibilities perspective is inaccessible. My friend, Kara Cutruzzula, who recently interviewed me on her fabulous “Do It Today” podcast, has an excellent solution for you.

Hot off the press, her new Do It (or Don’t): A Boundary-Creating Journal helps you create and maintain clear boundaries, learn how to say “no,” and release those obligations and projects that feel oppressive. You will feel encouraged to write, clarify your thoughts, and flourish while appreciating Kara’s gentle support as she shares her wisdom with you. She says, “Our time is limited. Do you want to spend yours in a clear and intentional way?” If you do, learn more about her journal here: Do It (or Don’t).



4. Interesting Product – List-Making Possibilities

Do you have many tiny scraps of paper, partially filled notebooks, and random notes scribbled on documents? Are these calls, errands, purchases, and email reminders cluttering your desk, bags, and other surfaces? Are those working for you? If not, create better possibilities and outcomes with this terrific list-making tool.

My inventive frolleagues, Diana Quintana and Jonda Beattie, created My List Simplified, an 8-1/2” x 11” paper spiral-bound organization journal. It will help you easily capture your lists, plans, ideas, tasks, and appointments. It’s undated, so you can organize the journal by the day, week, or an extended period. For further details, click here: My List Simplified.



5. Interesting Thought – Positive Possibilities

Is your internal dialogue working for or against you? Do you focus on the negative? Are you consumed by what could go wrong or think in terms of what you can’t do? We’ve all been there. What happens when you reframe negativity with a simple, powerful phrase? Instead of thinking, “I can’t do this,” ask, “Why not?” How will that change your outlook and outcomes? Shifting your perspective from a fixed to a growth mindset will open up possibilities.

Do you have an interesting possibility-related discovery? Which of these resonates with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

What's Your Little Next Step After the Exciting Seeds You Planted Flourish?

It’s not officially spring yet, even though we turned our clocks forward an hour, and spring’s cues began emerging weeks ago. Our beautiful purple crocuses have come and gone. I notice new growth daily- a patch of green here, some yellow blooms there. Seeds planted are beginning to flourish.

I appreciate the present and am simultaneously in awe of what will come next. What a hopeful time of year this is!

While the seeds I mentioned were literal ones yielding plants and blooms, there are other seedlings. You . . .

  • Plant new ideas

  • Create positive habits

  • Change behaviors

  • Alter mindset

  • Chase goals

  • Experiment

  • Nurture relationships.

These require patience, compassion, consistency, awareness, trust, and receptivity. When we tend our garden in this way, those seeds will thrive.


Coach and artist Jane Pollak, CPCC, said, “Before you know it, the seeds you plant will leaf.” What a powerful idea! While you’re in the planting or becoming phase, it seems like nothing is happening. It’s hard to see any progress or change. The seeds sit quietly in the dirt. Movement and growth are imperceptible. You wait while occasionally adding water and fertilizer to stimulate growth.

While next might be nothing because you over or underwatered, more often, growth will be visible in time. I see this with my virtual organizing clients. The seeds planted begin with a goal and a desire for something else. Less clutter, more time, more space, or less stress. We use that seed idea and work to get there. I love helping with these internal and external transformations.

  • Challenges with letting go bloom into ease of releasing.

  • Stress caused by clutter morphs into calm from clearer spaces.

  • Being overwhelmed by full schedules develops into relief by creating boundaries.

Before you know it, the seeds you plant will leaf.
— Jane Pollak, CPCC

You are now on the other side. You’ve patiently done the work. You’ve tended your garden even when you were unsure. You trusted the process so you could succeed. Your seeds have leafed.

What will be your next step? Do you want to reassess? Do you want to bask in the gorgeous blooms? Are you ready to plant new seeds to nurture? Progress and growth are yours. How will you build from here? What tiny step are you able to take? How can I help? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

3 Hopeful Ideas Motivated Big Changes in My Life Which Can Really Help You Too

It’s fascinating how big changes are made. They start with small, almost unnoticeable habit shifts. On your journey to be free of clutter, you donate a bag of rarely worn clothes or edit and clear the pile of unsorted mail from your kitchen counter. These tiny, single actions can bring about significant changes when consistency and support are added to your effort. 

The other aspect of making meaningful changes is the need for time and mental energy to make them happen. When you’re preoccupied, running as fast as you can to keep up, or emotionally exhausted, change is the last thing on your mind. You can’t stop your life to make a change. Instead, to integrate new habits, it’s essential to create space in your life for prioritizing the change you desire

In the last several years, I’ve experienced many emotional energy pulls. These included taking care of my mom with dementia, saying my final good-byes to her last March, grieving, navigating the pandemic’s effects on my organizing business, and preparing for and having our youngest daughter’s wedding at our home during the pandemic. Despite these emotional highs and lows, I’ve found focused intervals to bring about changes in my life. Admittedly, many of these changes came into being when I had more mental energy to give them.

Coincidentally, the three anchors/words, which rhyme, kept me motivated and focused on my desired changes. They are Zoom, Noom, and Room.

While these specific ideas might not be on your change radar, I encourage you to consider which words are. Which anchors will help you pursue the changes you seek? How will you make the space and time for change to flourish?


3 Hopeful Ideas Motivated Big Changes in My Life Which Can Help You Too

1. Zoom

Communication, relationships, and community are some of my treasured values. When the pandemic arrived, many communication networks halted. Most in-person contact was suspended. I couldn’t visit with family, friends, colleagues, or clients. Sure I still had the phone, text, and email, but physical contact was limited and non-existent for extended periods.

Using Zoom became an incredible go-to tool that helped me slowly change and think about how I interacted, did business, and stayed socially active. I’m guessing that many of you are Zoomed-out, but for me, Zoom continues to be a viable way for navigating life and keeping connected with people. 

I embraced communication changes and used Zoom to-

Zoom provided a channel to nurture and develop relationships, shift my organizing business, learn, and teach. While most in-person activities are now possible as many pandemic restrictions lift, Zoom still remains a viable way for me to stay connected. The platform allowed me to be flexible during these last few years, quickly embrace change, and support what I value most.



2.  Noom

Being healthy is a top priority for me. While I had some healthy practices like meditating daily and eating lots of fruits and vegetables, I wanted to change other habits. For what seems like a bazillion years, one of my goals has been to ‘lose 10 pounds.’ I’ve never been a dieter and didn’t like the idea of going on a diet. Instead, about five years ago, I saw a tremendously helpful nutritionist. She gave me a better understanding of what foods and portions were best for me. Over eight months, I lost 15 pounds. But then, in time, I gained it back and more.  The ongoing support was vital, and the difference was noticeable when I stopped seeing her.

Do you remember how I spoke about having the time and mental energy to bring about change? It takes focused effort to make eating and other lifestyle changes. When my mom died, I was emotionally exhausted. It took me months to get my energy back. When it returned, I felt ready to refocus on my health and make some changes.

In September, I signed up for Noom. It’s a weight loss app with a psychology-based approach to “help you change not just how you eat, but how you think.” It’s well-designed and simple to use. The app with built-in accountability helps me keep daily food logs, understand my calorie budget, track water intake, daily exercise, and weight. You are assigned a personal Coach and receive short articles every day, which encourage, motivate, and explain the psychology of habits.

While I’m still working towards my target goal, in five months, I have lost 18.5 pounds, I’m drinking 9 glasses of water a day, and walking an average of 10,000 steps a day. There have been other changes such as losing many inches around my body, clothing fitting better, feeling more energetic, learning new skills, and knowing I have a doable life-changing plan that’s working.

A bonus surprise was my husband signed up for Noom with me. He’s made incredible changes, and I’m so proud of him. We support one another, which is invaluable.

With any significant life change, it’s essential to have ongoing support, whether an app, person, Coach or all of those. If you’re curious about Noom, click here to learn more.

What do you need to bring about the habit changes you desire?


Big changes start with small actions.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™


3. Room

This last idea is about creating both physical and mental space in your life to feel calm, have room to think, and live with less stress. These changes were worth pursuing, and I have worked years to get there. For me, there is the physical manifestation, which comes in the form of an uncluttered home filled with colors, textures, and scents that soothe and delight. 

One of the goals I worked on last summer into fall, inspired by our vacation staying in a tiny house, was my ‘live with less’ project. While I had lots of stuff, I recognized I didn’t need or want it all. I started randomly going through drawers, closets, and files to let go of unnecessary things. It was cathartic and surprising how much stuff exited. I don’t miss anything.

The other part of ‘room’ is making space for your mental well-being. For me, that’s having quiet time, finding cozy spots to write, journal, or read, spending time in nature, exploring and photographing, meditating, or doing yoga. It’s making room for self-care and carving out time to feed my soul.

Especially with all that has happened in the world and the ongoing challenges, making time to replenish yourself is critical. It’s all too easy to get derailed by a crisis near or far. Our bodies are not designed to sustain continual stress.

What would it take to make room for you? What changes will help make room and space for your physical and emotional well-being?

Big changes start with small actions. What will be your anchors for change? What will provide motivation and support for the changes you desire? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.