Posts tagged prepare
How to Be Astoundingly Mindful, Calm, and Prepared for Your New Season

Last week, I wrote about the transitions we’re experiencing as the seasons change. While fall doesn’t officially begin for several weeks, its unofficial start has happened. You’re back from summer vacation, the kiddos have returned to school, and your plate is piled high with numerous projects, goals, and activities. Your schedule is packed, and your daily patterns are changing. Do you feel calm and prepared, or anxious and not ready?

Transitions can be tricky and uncomfortable. However, intregrating mindfulness into the mix can bring calm and confidence to this next phase.

There are six ways to feel ready as you prepare for your busy season. You can use these strategies for any shift you’re experiencing, such as starting a new day, month, season, year, project, or life change.



6 Ways to Mindfully Prepare for Your New Season

1. Prepare Emotionally

Your emotional state benefits greatly when you prioritize your self-care. To fortify your energy reserves and to create a positive emotional state:

  • Get enough sleep

  • Eat healthfully

  • Hydrate

  • Move your body

  • Make time for just you

  • Engage in nourishing activities


2. Prepare Environment

Clutter can cause blockages in your thinking, well-being, creativity, daily flow, and routines. Make time to let go of the physical things you no longer need, want, are in your way, or are no longer relevant for this new phase. Clear the path for your new season. What can you declutter now?


3. Clarify Goals & Why

Did you create an ambitious list of goals at the start of this year? This change of seasons presents an excellent time to revisit and reset. Ask:

Taking the time to clarify will be valuable. The clarity will help with more effortless and less stressful decision-making when your choices align with your goals and overarching why.

Integrate mindfulness to bring calm and confidence to this next phase.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

4. Gather Your Team

The busy season makes it a terrific time to gather more support. Collect your go-to peeps- family, friends, colleagues, and professionals. There is no reason to go it alone. Who will be on your team? They can help you:


5. Gather Your Resources

Aside from your ‘team,’ what else will help you prepare for this season? What physical supplies or products will be beneficial? What about finding resources for ideas or referrals?

As we’re in the back-to-school mode, images of sharpened pencils, blank notebooks, and boxes of new, colorful crayons fill my thoughts. While our kiddos are adults now and not in that stage, I remember when they were. Returning to school meant gathering the essential supplies, which helped them feel prepared and ready to learn. What do you need to feel prepared?


6. Schedule Downtime
During the fullness of this new season, plan time to stop. We aren’t designed to be constantly doing. We also need time to just be. Whether you make time daily, every week, or once a month, build breaks from the busyness. Each of us has different refueling needs. My daily mindfulness meditation practice and walks in nature keep me grounded and calm. They give me a quiet space to practice mindfulness, restore my energy, and prepare me to engage more fully after I pause.

New Podcast: Helping You Reset for the New Season

A few weeks ago, I enjoyed talking with the engaging, delightful podcast host, writer, and my new friend Kara Cutruzzula on her “Do It Today” podcast. Our conversation covered many topics, including ways to get ready for the new season. Listen to our conversation below:

If you are gathering your team and would like support from me as your Virtual Professional Organizer, let’s talk. I’d love to help as you travel on this next part of your journey. Call 914-271-5673, email me at, or click here to contact me through this site.

What helps you mindfully prepare for change? How do transition times affect you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

One Simple, Positive Way to Be More Mindful During Your Day

We are in the season when everything shifts. Some of us, like me, are holding on to the last few days of summer before heading into the busier fall season. Do you remember standing still while watching the water flow back and forth on the shore? Can you remember feeling the sun warm your body as it calmed your soul? Do you remember sipping a cool sip of iced tea slowly and intentionally? Those are mindful moments of presence and awareness.

As the season changes, is your mind racing? Is mindfulness more challenging to embody? Can you feel your focus shifting and dashing to the future? Are you considering the bazillion goals you want to accomplish before the year ends? Are you focusing on what you need to do in the coming days to prepare for the weeks ahead? There is nothing wrong with planning or future thinking. Those are just as important as reviewing the past and staying grounded in the present.


However, when thinking about the next thing feels overwhelming, there is one strategy that can help. I heard this phrase during one of Yota Schneider’s wonderful monthly virtual retreats. Twink McKenney, a wise woman and fellow attendee who is a yoga teacher, graphic designer, and astrologist, offered this up when we mentioned the future. She was determined to focus on the now and not think too far ahead. Twink said, “We’re doing now, not next.”

What a powerful and simple way to change the internal conversation.

  • Instead of allowing your mind to rush ahead, do now, not next.

  • Instead of worrying about what might happen, focus on now, not next.

  • Instead of planning too far into the future, be here now, not next.

  • Instead of _____________, do now, not next.

We’re doing now, not next.
— Twink McKenney

Next will be coming soon enough. There will be plenty of time to think about and engage with later. When the time comes, I’ll be ready. Today and this moment, I choose to be present with the now.

How does mindfulness show up for you? What helps you be more present? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

3 Helpful Ways to Easily Increase Your Motivation Especially When You're Struggling

Motivation is a funny thing. It can appear in full strength, seemingly out of nowhere. Or, it can be so hard to find that you think it is lost forever. As my husband recently said, this season’s mood can feel like the “lazy days of summer.” Perhaps you’re experiencing the desire to not do, not strive, but instead relax, enjoy, and stop accomplishing. You might want to enjoy BBQ time with friends and family, swimming in water bodies, or exploring new places. All of that is perfectly normal, especially after the year we’ve had. But if you are struggling with getting motivated and want to activate, I have some ideas to share with you. 

There have been several situations I’ve either experienced or observed where the motivation juices were stirred. Maybe one of these will resonate with you. The next time you’re in need, you’ll be able to tap into one of these strategies to help.


3 Helpful Ways to Increase Your Motivation

1. There’s Nothing Like a Deadline

Allison Samuels, Maker - Two Tree Studios

Allison Samuels, Maker - Two Tree Studios

Are you more motivated to complete something if you are under pressure because of a deadline? I’m not advocating waiting until the last minute, but I have seen and experienced how a deadline imposed by the self or others can motivate us to get stuff done. Last week our daughter, Allison, had a gallery show opening at Room 68 in Provincetown with her beautiful “transformed objects.” While she worked on designing and conceptualizing the pieces for a while, the big push to complete them came close to the delivery date. One of the finishes she uses involves burning the wood, which creates a gorgeous black finish. It was as if the fire that brought the pieces into their final stages also lit her motivation to create them.

Motivation Takeaway:  If you’re having trouble activating, set a deadline. It might just be the fire you need to complete your project.



2. The Thrill of the Hunt

Lyle Puente, Chef - Put Some Meat On Your Bones

Lyle Puente, Chef - Put Some Meat On Your Bones

A few weeks ago was Father’s Day. One of the gifts I gave my husband was a date. An article we read and loved in Westchester Magazine about the best local food trucks inspired the gift. We picked a time to go, chose Steve’s favorite food truck, and ate a delicious lunch. Talk about seeing motivation in action. I watched as he deep dove into the article and created a list of his top four favorites with pros, cons, contact info, and more. He then reached out by email to confirm if they were open and where they were located. We took a walk first and hoped that someone would respond to his inquiry. We decided that even if no one got back to us, we’d chance it and hunt for one of the food trucks. His number one choice, Put Some Meat on Your Bones, owned by chef Lyle Puente, confirmed his location and hours. We were delighted, hungry, and motivated to drive to the truck. Those were the most delicious grilled cheese sandwiches we ever ate! 

Motivation Takeaway:  If your motivation is waning, consider how anticipation about trying something new can work its magic.


If your motivation is waning, consider how anticipation about trying something new can work its magic.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™


3. Clear the Decks Before Putting Your Luggage in the Car

Ocean Grove, NJ

Ocean Grove, NJ

I mentioned how summer is a prime vacation season. Especially because of the stay-in-place orders we experienced this past year, people want to travel. While vacations can be relaxing or enervating, they usually bring a much-needed break and change of scenery. But before we can experience those wonderful benefits, we need to prepare. There is planning, researching, reserving, list-making, organizing, doing laundry, holding mail, packing, and wrapping up last-minute projects. We can energize and accomplish even more when we attach it to this travel motivation. 

We have a few mini-vacations this summer, including going to the Catskills, the Cape, and the Jersey Shore. Before I go away, I like the house to be clean and organized. I call this clearing the decks. Pillows are fluffed, rooms get quick-cleaned, trash and recycling go out, desk papers are filed, bills are paid, electronics get unplugged, and the fridge contents are edited. Things get returned to their spots. Loose ends are tied up, which helps me let go physically, emotionally and enjoy the time away. This extra prep makes our place welcome-home-ready. After being away for a few nights or more, there’s nothing better than returning to a calm, relaxing home.

Motivation Takeaway:  If you’re finding it challenging to bring organization and calm to your living space, harness the motivational energy that comes with vacation prep to help you get there.

Are you feeling challenged motivationally? What helps you get motivated? Did one of these strategies resonate with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

What Happens When You Effectively Focus Your Time On One Favorite Thing?
What Happens When You Effectively Focus Your Time On One Favorite Thing?

Summer is here. It’s the time for school endings, graduations, celebrations, travel, camp, visits with family and friends, BBQs, hot weather, and so much more. Many of us are taking time for a deep exhale and leaning into a much-needed break. Others are using this season to plan, organize, let go, and prepare for next. Perhaps your summer will include a combination of relaxing, working, and preparing. My virtual organizing clients are focused on editing, letting go, and getting organized, one paper, t-shirt, and tote bag at a time.

Last year, we didn’t take a vacation. The pandemic kept us close to home. But this summer with life opening up, we planned some mini-vacations. It feels fantastic to get away and return to work refreshed. On a recent trip to the Catskills, the place we stayed had wall quotes throughout the property. There was one by Ralph Waldo Emerson that stood out. It made me think about time, the seasons, and the seeds we sow. Emerson said, “The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.” 

The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our lives are limited by the time we have. Where and how we spend that time dramatically influences our lives. Consider the power of the single acorn. It can manifest “a thousand forests.” Its singularity of purpose yields an incredible result.

You can be that acorn. What if this summer, you focus your energy and time on one or even two areas of your life? What would you choose? What could you accomplish if you minimize distractions? Summer is here. What will your season yield? What seeds will you sow? There is no right or wrong response. You are the decider.

We can quickly feel overwhelmed with everything that needs our attention. Give yourself the gift of reducing your focus. What would that look and feel like? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.