Posts tagged nurturing
Learn the Helpful Secret for One Easy Way to Quickly Get Motivated

It can feel challenging to get motivated when you’re experiencing a transition and even when you’re not. Overwhelm, or exhaustion can take over. When it does, do you find it difficult to access your motivation for things like organizing your home, making plans, writing a blog post, reaching out for help, or handling routine tasks? Does that sound familiar? No one is motivated 100% of the time. But that can be problematic when it’s getting in the way of focusing on things you want and need to do.

There are many ways to get motivated, but for today, I’ll keep it simple with this one helpful secret so as not to add to your overwhelm. OK. It’s no longer a secret because I’m about to share it with you.

I came across a quote from writer Anne Lamott relevant to the how to get motivated challenge many of you encounter. Anne said . . .

Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.
— Anne Lamott

Let’s take a breath and digest this. When stressed, overwhelmed, and fuzzy-brained, instead of taking a beneficial break, we often do the opposite and continue pushing beyond depleted. How does that work for you?

I’ve noticed that while it seems like a good idea at the time to “just finish one more thing” or “push past my fatigue,” that’s a much more challenging way to go. When you overextend regularly, you can experience the law of diminishing returns, which works against being motivated, productive, and happy.

Instead, just stop. Yes. I said stop. As Anne suggests, things (and you) will work better when you unplug for even a few minutes.

What could this mean for you? What would a brief stop to unplug look like? It’s worth coming up with your own list of possibilities. You can pull it out of your back pocket when your motivation diminishes.

My unplugging to get motivated list includes:

  • Dipping my toes in the Croton River

  • Listening to the trickling water sounds in our birdbath fountain

  • Watching the leaves ‘wave’ as the wind blows

  • Taking a walk in the woods

  • Sipping leisurely a glass of iced tea

  • Lying down with my shoes off and eyes closed for 15 minutes

  • Looking at the gorgeous colors of the beautiful summer blooms

  • Stepping away from my tech tools

  • Meditating

  • Sweeping the front path

  • Sitting outside while eating a slice of juicy watermelon

  • Doing some slow, intentional breathing

After engaging in one of these nurturing, restorative activities for a brief time, I feel energized and ready for the next. And for a super dose of motivation, try grouping several of your preferred items back-to-back. Before writing this post, I walked in the woods, dipped my toes in the river, and meditated. Afterward, I was motivated, rested, and ready to write.

Are you struggling with getting motivated? What would unplugging for a few minutes or more do for you? What would that look like? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

3 Brilliant Little Lessons 'Magic Lettuce' Taught Me About Clutter

This spring was the first time I grew lettuce in my tiny garden. Since we eat a lot of lettuce, I thought it would be an excellent vegetable to grow. However, until recently, I didn’t know I planted not just lettuce but magic lettuce. It turns out that magic lettuce has a lot to teach us about clutter.

You’re probably wondering what makes my lettuce special? For experienced gardeners, it might seem like plain old lettuce. However, as a newbie gardener, I am amazed and delighted at how quickly it replenishes. I can pick leaves to make a big salad one night, and two days later, the lettuce is back to its pre-picked size. 

I love nurturing and watering the plants, which help them thrive. While I have an abundance of lettuce, it’s the right amount to feed us. I pick it frequently enough, so it doesn’t get too cluttered or overgrown. 


3 Little Lessons ‘Magic Lettuce’ Taught Me About Clutter

1. It’s All in the Edit

The lettuce will grow out of control and become a waste if it goes unchecked and unpicked. This is also true of our physical clutter. If we collect things without trimming or editing, our possessions will overtake our space. 


2. The Abundance Perspective

Abundance can be positive or negative depending upon your perspective. I experience constant joy in harvesting fresh greens for our salads. I embrace the abundance but also manage to keep the plants balanced.

With physical clutter, you might enjoy having a lot of some things like shoes or a particular collectible. I’m a Pez dispenser collector. However, you might feel overwhelmed by too many papers, books, or kitchen gadgets. Our attitude about abundance is influenced by what “too much” means. Know and manage your limits.


Clutter will increase if you don’t create intentionality and boundaries for your stuff.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO

3. My ‘Magic Clutter’ Theory

I explained my theory about magic lettuce and how quickly it grows. Have you encountered magic clutter?  My clients often describe their clutter as “growing overnight” or “it keeps coming back.”  In the case of lettuce, magic is a positive thing. However, the magic aspect is negative with clutter because most of my clients want less of it. They definitely don’t want it to return.

Lettuce needs to be intentionally nurtured to grow. The opposite is true with clutter, which will increase if you don’t create intentionality and boundaries for your stuff.

When it comes to lettuce, I love that it grows continually. I don’t feel that way about clutter. Activating the edit, understanding your perspective, and creating intentionality will help you become clutter-free. What enables you to keep clutter in check? Which ideas resonate with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts, and I invite you to join the conversation.

If you are overwhelmed by clutter and want to create a peaceful balance with your stuff, I’m here to help. Let’s talk. Contact me at, 914-271-5643, or click here.


3 Ways to Let Go of Big & Joyfully Experience Powerful Benefits of Little

We live in times where bigger and more are frequently sought goals. Perhaps the desire for big has become so deeply ingrained that it flavors decisions and attitudes. We seek larger spaces, collect more stuff, and fill our carts and plates, so they overflow. In some scenarios, this might be useful. However, if we let go and shift towards little, some incredible things happen.

Perhaps it’s the effects of the pandemic or being a Professional Organizer for almost 30 years, but I have discovered a renewed appreciation for the art of smaller and less. Just to clarify, I love the word abundance. However, we can feel full without having more or becoming overwhelmed. In the quietness of little, we have the space to truly understand its gifts.

Recently, I had some experiences which brought this idea into focus. 


3 Ways to Let Go of Big & Joyfully Experience Powerful Benefits of Little

1. Little Garden

Like many, I planted my first vegetable garden at the start of the pandemic. However, unlike some of my friends and neighbors, I wasn’t a confident gardener. So I opted to do it in a small, manageable way by keeping my ‘garden’ contained and little. In our greenhouse, I put three pots of varying sizes.

This spring is my third year, and I planted lettuce, basil, and mint. Because there were so few pots, it was easy to do. And it’s simple to maintain. Each time I water and mist them, I am delighted as I watch them grow and thrive. They are happy-looking plants and it feels good to care for them.

It would be too time-consuming to have a more extensive garden to tend, and I doubt I’d appreciate each plant as much. That’s just me. By letting go of big and opting for my little garden, I can provide freshness for our meals, enjoy the nurturing process, and do it joyfully.



2. Little Group

Gatherings with family and friends happened this past weekend for Passover, Easter, or Ramadan. After two years of not getting together because of the pandemic, we were excited to be in person again. However, with COVID still present and surging, it impacted many gatherings where hosts or guests canceled last minute. It happened to us, and several of our guests couldn’t make it because of COVID.

My husband and I made our Passover seder hosting plans over a month ago. In the past, we’ve had close to 40 guests. This year, we let go of having a larger group and went smaller. This was partly because of the pandemic and because it’s more challenging to host a bigger group. Frankly, I was out of practice. We ended up with 15 people, which was a great size. It was enjoyable because I got to talk with everyone, sit calmly and eat, see people interacting, and have enough space to move about. 

By going small, I appreciated the gathering even more.

In the quietness of little, we have the space to truly understand its gifts.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO

3. Little Habits

When I work with clients to help them reach their organizing goals, we often focus on adopting new daily habits by taking tiny steps to get there. When we break things down into small, doable steps, it is less overwhelming.

Like my clients, I’ve made many intentional changes in my life. When we’re working on that tiny step or small habit change, it seems like nothing is happening. But in time, we notice and feel the positive shifts.

The practice of tiny movements and choices creates incredible results. Some of the small daily habits I’ve made include meditation and journaling, walking in nature, eating nutritiously, hydrating, and getting enough sleep. Did I make all of those changes at once? Definitely not. Each habit began in little ways. For example, I eventually increased to walking 10,000 steps per day. But it took time to get there- literally one small step at a time. I let go of focusing on the big goals to reach the little goals along the way.

The benefits of my small habit changes are palpable. Because they have a low barrier to entry, it’s easier to be consistent and continue building from there.

Have you experienced the benefits of letting go of big to experience the joy of little? Does this idea resonate with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts, and I invite you to join the conversation.

Vibrancy & Success

When I captured the image of these luscious, lively eggplants at a local farmer’s market, excitement rushed through my body. Their deep violet hue drew me close. In thinking about the pursuit of success, a similar feeling of vibrancy exists when we take action towards our goals.

Last week I attended the annual ICD conference with organizing colleagues and related professionals. We went to learn and connect. The focus of the conference was how we think, act and feel about possessions. As an organizer, these ideas are at the core of the work we do with our clients. There were many presenters including psychologist, Dr. April Lane Benson, Ph.D. who spoke about overshopping, artist Corinne May Botz who shared her work on the Secret Lives of Objects and counselor Carol Berns, Psy. D. who talked about grief and bereavement.

The learning was stimulating, but so was having the chance to meet face to face with my colleagues. Taking time to reflect, converse, and learn separately from my daily routine allows me to grow personally and professionally.

We are very much like the eggplants that were planted from seed and cared for. When we take ourselves away from our normal schedules to travel, meet new people and exchange ideas our beings get nurtured. It is essential to our success.

Allow yourself to step into new environments, be open to learning and slow down enough to appreciate what surrounds you. There is a good chance you will experience that surge of energy that comes from stepping outside of your “normal.” Let vibrancy shine as you move towards the success you seek.

Please join the conversation. What gives you energy and makes you feel vibrant?