Posts tagged exhaustion
12 Exciting Favorite and Best Loved Organizing Ideas of the Year

As we wrap up the year, some unique words and phrases describe 2022. They include the big quit, resilience hubs, nomophobia, goblin mode, sharent, quiet quitting, de-consumerism, infodemic, permacrisis, situationship, mys, and slow working. I frequently heard or witnessed three words: exhaustion, overwhelm, and hope.

Despite the challenges, we continued forward as we navigated the unknown, found untapped inner strength, extended compassion and grace to ourselves and others, and searched for balance and meaning in a continually changing landscape.

At this reflective time of year, I appreciate revisiting the past before moving ahead to the future. As part of my review, I selected highlights from each month’s favorite and best-loved organizing concepts of 2022. I hope you discover a seed idea to bring inspiration and balance to your New Year.

Where will you focus on creating the organization and balance you desire? Which people and projects will receive your time, energy, and attention?



12 Exciting Favorite and Best Loved Organizing Ideas of the Year

Your blank slate is ready to be painted with a wash of gorgeous colors.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™
Change is happening for you, in favor of you, and doesn’t that change everything?
— Bethany Auriel-Hagen
While thinking is an integral part of progress, an action also needs to happen for movement to occur.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

Progress happens when we finally lean into letting go.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™
Clutter will increase if you don’t create intentionality and boundaries for your stuff.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™
If you continually go without stopping, you’ll burn out.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

... the best way to spur action is to begin from a place of optimism - a belief that the thing you want really is possible.
— Jane Coaston
Reaching out for help is the secret sauce for success.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™
Is it necessary?
— Yota Schneider

Life is a petri dish of possibilities.
— Chris Bianco
Breathe in the amazing, hold on through the awful, and relax and exhale during the ordinary.
— L.R. Knost
Build in some stillness and rest.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

My deepest gratitude for being an integral part of this vibrant community. We’ve had an incredible year of conversations and sharing. You bring learning, growth, support, and inspiration to every exchange. Thank you for regularly returning to participate and share the best of who you are.

What inspired you this year? Which organizing concept resonates most with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

Learn the Helpful Secret for One Easy Way to Quickly Get Motivated

It can feel challenging to get motivated when you’re experiencing a transition and even when you’re not. Overwhelm, or exhaustion can take over. When it does, do you find it difficult to access your motivation for things like organizing your home, making plans, writing a blog post, reaching out for help, or handling routine tasks? Does that sound familiar? No one is motivated 100% of the time. But that can be problematic when it’s getting in the way of focusing on things you want and need to do.

There are many ways to get motivated, but for today, I’ll keep it simple with this one helpful secret so as not to add to your overwhelm. OK. It’s no longer a secret because I’m about to share it with you.

I came across a quote from writer Anne Lamott relevant to the how to get motivated challenge many of you encounter. Anne said . . .

Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.
— Anne Lamott

Let’s take a breath and digest this. When stressed, overwhelmed, and fuzzy-brained, instead of taking a beneficial break, we often do the opposite and continue pushing beyond depleted. How does that work for you?

I’ve noticed that while it seems like a good idea at the time to “just finish one more thing” or “push past my fatigue,” that’s a much more challenging way to go. When you overextend regularly, you can experience the law of diminishing returns, which works against being motivated, productive, and happy.

Instead, just stop. Yes. I said stop. As Anne suggests, things (and you) will work better when you unplug for even a few minutes.

What could this mean for you? What would a brief stop to unplug look like? It’s worth coming up with your own list of possibilities. You can pull it out of your back pocket when your motivation diminishes.

My unplugging to get motivated list includes:

  • Dipping my toes in the Croton River

  • Listening to the trickling water sounds in our birdbath fountain

  • Watching the leaves ‘wave’ as the wind blows

  • Taking a walk in the woods

  • Sipping leisurely a glass of iced tea

  • Lying down with my shoes off and eyes closed for 15 minutes

  • Looking at the gorgeous colors of the beautiful summer blooms

  • Stepping away from my tech tools

  • Meditating

  • Sweeping the front path

  • Sitting outside while eating a slice of juicy watermelon

  • Doing some slow, intentional breathing

After engaging in one of these nurturing, restorative activities for a brief time, I feel energized and ready for the next. And for a super dose of motivation, try grouping several of your preferred items back-to-back. Before writing this post, I walked in the woods, dipped my toes in the river, and meditated. Afterward, I was motivated, rested, and ready to write.

Are you struggling with getting motivated? What would unplugging for a few minutes or more do for you? What would that look like? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

How Activating This Helpful Boost Will Make a More Vibrant Fresh Start

Have you noticed how much effort and energy it takes to engage in a fresh start? When our resources are depleted, it can be challenging to do basic things like eat, get dressed, or have a conversation. New beginnings can feel unattainable when our reserves are low and our thoughts are cloudy. It can feel like we are running in circles or following paths that lead nowhere.

Even in this depleted state, we can feel compelled to keep working beyond exhaustion. However, consider the value and necessity of downtime. Our minds need breaks to process what we’ve learned, let issues surface, self-reflect, and restore energy. Yet so often, we create barriers to taking breaks. I’ve heard this and done it myself. Do these sound familiar?

  • “I don’t have time.”

  • “I won’t reach my deadline.”

  • “I’m almost done.”

  • “I don’t deserve a break.”

  • “If I don’t finish now, I’ll never complete this.”

These are thought distortions, often inaccurate beliefs with a negative bias developed over time.

What happens when you reframe your perspective? Consider these ideas instead:

  • “If I take a break now, I’ll be more productive.”

  • “If I take a short break, I’ll return refreshed and more energetic.”

  • “This break is a form of self-care.”

  • “This break makes me stronger, not weaker.”

  • “There is value in a pause.”

  • “I deserve a moment of rest.”


Here’s the big reveal . . .

  1. We identified objections (aka thought distortions) for taking a break. 

  2. We reviewed helpful perspective reframes.

  3. You’re all set. Go take a “do nothing” break for five minutes. Yes. You deserve it!

Consider the value and necessity of downtime.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™

We can move forward and get a fresh start at any time. To get there, sometimes the best way to do that is to take a break first. Get some fresh air, close your eyes for a few minutes, do a quick meditation, lie down, or slowly sip a cup of hot tea. Yes. You do deserve a moment to rest. You will be recharged and ready to fully engage in your fresh start when you return.

Is taking a break challenging for you? What helps you recharge? How do you approach a fresh start? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

12 Most Valuable and Loved Organizing Ideas of the Year

As we are about to wrap up year two of the pandemic, many words describe 2021. Some common words and phrases for 2021, including “vaxxed, variant, hybrid work, The Great Resignation, and languishing,” appeared in a recent Grammarly article. Uncertainty flavored the year, along with many ups and downs. Two words I frequently heard or witnessed were exhaustion and resilience.

Despite the challenges, we continued forward as we navigated the unknown, found untapped inner strength, extended compassion and grace to ourselves and others, and searched for balance and meaning in a continually changing landscape. 

At this reflective time of year, I appreciate revisiting the past before moving ahead to the future. As part of my review, I selected twelve highlights, one from each month, of the most valuable and loved organizing concepts of 2021. I hope you discover a seed idea that will bring inspiration and balance to your New Year. 

Where will you focus on creating the organization and balance you desire? Which people and projects will receive your time, energy, and attention? 



12 Most Valuable and Loved Organizing Ideas of the Year

What lesson can I learn?
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™
The greatest lever for change is awareness.
— Fortune Cookie
Taking that next step builds momentum.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™

In our letting go, the stories about those we love live on.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™
Decluttering is a verb, which involves action.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™
Your life is purchased by where you spend your attention.
— James Clear

Pay attention to what depletes or energizes you.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™
It’s liberating to live with less.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™
Mindfulness is a quality of being we can bring to all aspects of our lives.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™

When we enlist support for our challenges, it’s incredible what becomes possible.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™
We know that ‘flourishing’ … is a state of mind where life feels good.
— Misty Pratt
Finding balance, even when you’re overwhelmed, is possible.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™

My deepest gratitude goes to you for being an integral part of this vibrant community. We’ve had an incredible year of conversations and sharing. You bring learning, growth, support, and inspiration to every exchange. Thank you for regularly returning to participate and share the best of who you are. 

What inspired you this year? Which organizing concept resonates most with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.