Posts tagged obstacles
What Great Question to Immediately Ask Now If You're Struggling to Let Something Go?

With new flowers and buds appearing daily, spring brings hope and encouragement. My clients are letting go and lightening up. However, they sometimes place obstacles that make the process more challenging. Those roadblocks appear as unhelpful thoughts.

Have you noticed the power of the words you say and think? Your messages can inspire action or inaction, trigger motivation or discouragement, and help or hinder the letting go process.

Suppose you have decades of old bills in filing cabinets, piled on shelves, or stored in boxes. You’re questioning whether to keep or release them. The internal struggle begins. They aren’t bothering anyone and have an established ‘home,’ but they are taking up space. You haven’t looked at them in years and will unlikely ever refer to them. They have no financial value or record-keeping significance, yet they sit. You remain undecided about their fate.


The debate about the documents will continue until you make a decision. You might choose to keep or shred them. But until you decide, the papers will occupy physical and emotional space. Their weight is felt. Sometimes, you hold on because you anticipate the potential effort required to edit and let go. Yet, it also takes energy not to decide.

Deciding to hold on instead of letting go is a valid action. You can stop investing your mental energy once you choose to keep or release. Remember that choosing to hold on is not the same as ignoring to make a decision.

Your messages can help or hinder the letting go process.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

A Great Question When You’re Struggling to Let Go

I promised to share a great question when you’re struggling with decision-making. Your words have power, and semantics are potent. A slight tweak to how you pose a question can significantly affect the outcome. Inquiring in a particular way can make it more purposeful, encouraging, gentler, or less guilt-inducing.

A great question is the one that works best for you. The options below have similar meanings yet are phrased differently.

  • Is it time to let it go?

  • Is it time to put it down?

  • Is it time to release it?

  • Is it time to edit it?

  • Is it time to reduce it?

  • Is it time to move on?

  • Is it time to let it be?

Which one resonates most with you? Which one will help you choose and act? I’d love to hear your thoughts and invite you to join the conversation.

If you need help letting go, I’m here to help. Please email me at, call 914-271-5673, or schedule a Discovery Call. Letting go is possible, especially with support.

12 Inspired Quotes of the Year That Will Make You Feel Hopeful

As this year ends, it’s time to reflect on the past twelve months and the year about to begin. 2023 has been full of intense emotions, enriching experiences, and deep conversations on the blog. We’ve walked side-by-side, navigated turbulent waters, made new discoveries, and grappled with life balance. In these free-flowing exchanges, insights, new perspectives, and hope emerged.


Our conversations about life balance, change, mindfulness, clutter, letting go, motivation, organizing, self-care, hope, and more have provided abundant comfort, connection, and joy. Thank you for being part of this generous community. You inspire me to show up, write, think, explore, and engage.


I am profoundly grateful for this community’s thoughtful words and beautiful sharing. I curated twelve of my favorite quotes of the year from active engagers, selecting one from each month’s theme. Thank you, Deb Lee, Diane Quintana, Ellen Delap, Jana Arevalo, Janet Barclay, Janet Schiesl, Jonda Beattie, Julie Bestry, Melissa Gratias, Sabrina Quairoli, Seana Turner, and Yota Schneider. You are consistent voices and participators who bring our conversations to life. I am grateful to you and everyone who reads the blog, contributes to our discussions, or shares the posts. You bring hope, light, curiosity, perspective, and learning to every day.

There have been many other conversation participators and sharers this year, including Andi Willis, Cathy Borg, Geralin Thomas, Hazel Thornton, Jill Katz, Julie Stobbe, Juliet Landau-Pope, Kim Tremblay, Laura Cullen Carter, MJ Rosenthal, Pam Holland, Phaedra Studt, Sara Skillen, and Stacey Agin Murray. Thank you for bringing richness to our conversations and for sharing your ideas.

Enjoy the year in review- one quote, insight, and revelation at a time!


12 Inspired Quotes from Our Conversations This Year That Will Make You Feel Hopeful

1. Fresh Start | How to Make Fortune Cookie Wisdom Inspire Your Fresh Start

It really is just a question of getting started for a lot of the time. We make excuses or put up our own obstacles for why we can’t start a project or a goal. Sometimes, it’s not perfect, but you just have to jump in.
— Jana Arevalo
Change is inevitable. Some changes we look forward to and other changes we dread. But we all have the gift of the now and today.
— Jonda Beattie
One tiny thing is often the antidote to overwhelm and ‘Where should I start?’ Sometimes, that little thing becomes the catalyst for bigger things. Or it stays tiny but mighty and gets your thoughts and ideas (and sense of calm) flowing again.
— Deb Lee
Taking that one step, letting go of that one thing, can make all the difference …
It is liberating, empowering, and often underestimated.
— Yota Schneider
I think of clutter as a near-constant buzz in the background. You try to ignore it, but that takes mental resources. Silence the buzz and redeploy the resources.
— Melissa Gratias
Taking short and long breaks is vital to enjoying life.
— Sabrina Quairoli
… for me, accountability is best for professional motivation, and deadlines are better for personal (non-stress-inducing) motivation, but each of us will be different.
— Julie Bestry
It’s the ‘out of the blue’ transitions, or ones through which I am yet to tread, that are difficult. In these seasons, having others with experience makes all the difference …
— Seana Turner
Whatever we’re embarking on will go much more smoothly if we take the time to mindfully identify what we need in terms of human and other resources before we get started.
— Janet Barclay
Glimmers are what keep hope, possibility, and joy afloat …
— Ellen Delap
Sometimes it’s hard when you’re going through a lot to feel joyful. But hope is the light at the end of the tunnel. Without it, there is no end.
— Janet Schiesl
All of us have so many facets to our life. Thinking about paying attention to all of them with the same focus is impossible. But when we think about intentionally bringing in a little of this and a little of that, we can create a life that works with the way we want to live.
— Diane Quintana

These quotes were taken from our lively exchanges on the blog this year. What resonates with you? Which idea do you want to bring forward into the New Year?

How can I help make 2024 a great year? When you’re ready for support with creating a better balance, letting go of what no longer serves you, or getting more organized, I’ll be here. Contact me, Linda, by phone at 914-271-5673, by email at, or this form.

I wish you a happy, healthy, and joy-filled New Year!

Three Types of Motivation and Really Helpful Ways to Sustain Them

When you think about types of motivation, often thoughts are about internal and external motivation. Recently, I noticed another way to consider motivation and helpful strategies to sustain them.

Instead of focusing on where motivation comes from, think about how much motivation you need over a specific time. For example, the time and motivation you need to accomplish a single task like responding to an email differ from what’s required to achieve a long-term goal such as organizing an entire home.

With this in mind, let’s look at three types of motivation that are time-based and ways to help you nourish your motivation.


3 Types of Motivation with Helpful Ways to Sustain Them

1. Short Motivation Burst


  • You can accomplish the task with a few simple steps.

  • You can complete the task in less than 30 minutes.

  • You can do the task on your own.

  • The task has few if any obstacles to entry.

Short motivation examples include:

  • Meditating

  • Taking a walk

  • Making a phone call

  • Responding to an email

  • Clearing the dishes from the kitchen sink

  • Putting your laundry in the hamper

  • Decluttering your handbag

  • Sorting today’s mail

In most cases, you need low motivation to complete these activities because they require less energy and have a high satisfaction or “done” rate. If you’re a list maker, you’ll enjoy the endorphin ping you’ll receive when you’re able to quickly check that “one and done” off of your list.

When you struggle with getting motivated, selecting a short motivation burst activity can give you the energy needed to tackle something more extensive.


To enhance long-term motivation, gather your support team.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™


2. Medium Motivation Gallop


  • You can accomplish the item with multiple steps.

  • You can complete the item over several days or months.

  • You might require help or information from someone.

  • You might encounter some obstacles before or during the process.

Medium motivation examples include:

  • Preparing tax returns

  • Developing a new workshop

  • Organizing a kitchen

  • Writing an article
    Reviewing your financials

  • Editing and re-organizing your filing system

  • Helping your kid pack for college

More motivation and energy are needed to complete these types of projects. You might encounter some emotional or physical challenges along the way or be unsure of your next step. The challenges can result in feeling deflated or de-motivated.

To sustain motivation for the medium motivation projects, spend time gathering your resources, whether physical ones like trash bags, markers, and boxes or emotional ones, like the support of friends, family members, or professional organizers like me.


3. Long Motivation Journey


  • You can accomplish your project with a series of mini goals.

  • You can complete your project over months or a year plus.

  • You will require external support and possibly a team.

  • You will experience obstacles before and during the process.

Long motivation examples include:

Since the long motivation projects happen over an extended time, it can be especially challenging to maintain the energy and motivation needed to bring them to fruition. You will sometimes experience challenges, waning motivation levels, and energy loss.

To sustain your motivation:

  • Break the projects down into doable mini goals

  • Pace yourself, which will reduce burnout

  • Gather your support team

  • Enlist help from accountability and thought partners

  • Share with others what you are working on

  • Gather tools and resources to accomplish what you want in advance

  • Add to your toolbox along the way

  • Keep your eye on the goal, but be flexible with how you get there

As you head for the end goal, focusing on appreciating the journey and the mini successes along the way will enhance your motivation and satisfaction.

Have you considered motivation needs based on time parameters? If so, what has your experience been? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

5 Fantastic Ways to Empower Change by First Quieting Your Negative Self-Talk

What is one of the biggest obstacles that prevent you from making the changes you want? Our automatic negative thoughts, aka ANTS, can be a change blocker. They can damage your self-esteem, make you doubt your decisions, stop you from reaching your goals, or keep you stuck in a loop of negativity. What becomes possible when you transform negative energy and shift to a positive, growth-oriented mindset? How could that change benefit you?

Recently I was struggling with some personal ANTS. I discovered several strategies for working with and changing persistent negative self-talk. Shower yourself with love. In celebration of February, the love month, I encourage you to keep those warm Valentine’s Day feelings alive and extend some extra love and compassion to yourself.

As you consider these strategies I learned, I hope they will help you reframe the negativity and flourish.



5 Ways to Empower Change by Quieting Your Negative Self-Talk

During a weekly Executive Mom Nest coaching session, Leesa Askew, incredible colleague, Nest Advisor, and Transformational Coach, presented ideas about making your mindset an asset. To do that, she shared ways to “change the channel…change the programming.” Leesa learned these ANTS-busting strategies from Dr. Daniel Amen.


1. Write Affirmations

Create affirmations to counteract those ANTS. Write down three to five uplifting phrases you can repeat and keep in view. You can use your own words or find a favorite quote. This is one of Leesa’s personal favorites:

“I am always in the right place at the right time in the right state of mind.” 

If you feel stuck finding your words and want to try something fun, check out the interactive Affirmation Wheel my husband shared with me from Noom. When I clicked on the wheel, it coincidentally landed on this one:

“I have the power to create change.” 

How awesome is that? The next time doubt creeps in, I’ll have this affirmation ready to work its magic.


2.  Use Music

As Leesa said, music is a powerful force that “can stimulate the brain” and put you in a “subliminal trance.” She suggests creating a “Killing the ANTS Playlist.”  Which songs lift you up, bring a smile to your face, and shift your mood from crummy to happy? Music can completely alter how we feel. What songs will you include on your playlist? 

Here are several from mine:

  • Respect – Aretha Franklin

  • Happy – Pharrell Williams

  • Better Together – Jack Johnson

  • Stand By Me – Ben King

  • Can’t Get What You Want – The Rolling Stones

  • With A Little Help From My Friends – The Beatles

Pharrell Williams - Happy (video)


3. Get Physical

Interestingly, any type of physical activity can energize you and stop those negative thoughts from surfacing. Leesa shared how 25 jumping jacks can give you more energy than drinking two cups of coffee. Plus, physical movement has the added bonus of shifting your mindset to the positive

The next time your ANTS come marching in, stand up, get moving, and say bye-bye to the negativity. Take a brisk walk, go on a bike ride, dance around the house (using your new playlist, of course,) or do those 25 jumping jacks. You’ve got this!

I have the power to create change.
— Noom, Affirmation Wheel

Each week I receive Todd Henry’s 3 Things email, the “creative sparks to help you do better work.”  This week’s edition was well-timed because Todd included strategies for counteracting the negative “chatter” in your head. Hello, negative self-talk!

Todd referenced his podcast conversation with Dr. Ethan Kross, psychiatrist, neuroscientist, and author of Chatter – The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It.  I love these ideas Todd shared from the podcast with Dr. Kross, and I hope you do too.

4. Address Yourself

When negative self-talk takes over, “speak countering messages directly to yourself, and call yourself by name when you do it.” This is so powerful. If I rewrite my affirmation from number one above, it becomes,

“Linda, you have the power to create change.”

Coming in loudly and clearly. What message do you need to hear?


5. Welcome Growth

We often receive feedback, which may be unsolicited or not. When the comment isn’t favorable, doubt and negative self-talk can surface. I love this suggestion for redirecting that energy.

“Refuse to personalize critiques, but instead see them as an opportunity for growth.” 

Adopting the growth mindset is valuable in all situations. It shifts the focus from being defensive or thinking, ‘what’s wrong with me?’ to ‘what can I learn from this?’ 


Are there changes you’d like to pursue but find that ANTS create an obstacle? Which strategies resonate with you? Do you have other ways to counterbalance negative self-talk? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.