Posts tagged insights
12 Delightful Quotes of the Year That Will Make You Feel Inspired

This year winds down, and we take time to reflect on the past twelve months and the year about to start. 2022 has been full of intense emotions, experiences, and amazing conversations we shared on the blog. We’ve walked side-by-side, navigated turbulent waters, made new discoveries, and wrestled with life balance. In our free-flowing exchanges, insights and new perspectives emerged.

Our conversations about life balance, change, mindfulness, clutter, letting go, motivation, organizing, coping, resilience, hope, pandemics, and more have provided immense comfort, connection, and joy. Thank you for being part of this generous community. You inspire me to show up, write, think, explore, and engage.

I am deeply grateful for this community’s thoughtful words and beautiful sharing. I curated twelve of my favorite quotes of the year from my top engagers, selecting one from each month’s theme. Thank you, Christine Li, Diane Quintana, Ellen Delap, Janet Barclay, Janet Schiesl, Jonda Beattie, Julie Bestry, Lucy Kelly, Sabrina Quairoli, Sara Skillen, Seana Turner, and Yota Schneider. You are the consistent voices and readers who bring our conversations to life. I am grateful to you and everyone who reads the blog, contributes to our discussions or shares the posts. You bring hope, light, curiosity, perspective, and learning to each day.

There have been many other conversation participators and sharers this year, including Alison Nissen, Andi Willis, Christine Johnson, Geralin Thomas, Hazel Thornton, Jill Katz, Jill Yesko Diana, Julie Stobbe, Juliet Landau-Pope, Katherine Macey, Kim Tremblay, Lisa Gessert, Lynne Palumbo, Nancy Haworth, Sheila Delson, Stacey Agin Murray. Thank you for bringing richness to our conversations and for sharing your ideas.

Enjoy the year in review- one quote, insight, and inspiration at a time!

12 Delightful Quotes From Our Conversations This Year That Will Make You Feel Inspired

1. Fresh Start - 5 Best Ideas Shared Here by Pros to Help You Make a Promising Fresh Start

Zero assumptions is a wonderful way to remind myself that I can start fresh with every moment. Every breath can be a reminder to refocus and notice what’s happening now and move from there.
— Lucy Kelly
I have made such sweeping changes recently...I’m still catching my breath and am learning that it’s ok to postpone some decisions while waiting for the dust to settle. The big change...feels so right that I’m happy just to let that feeling resonate for a while before I implement some of the other smaller changes that I am aware are lurking in the background...
— Diane Quintana
When life feels challenging, I like to reflect on the challenges I’ve endured and survived in the past. If I got through ‘that,’ I can surely get through ‘this!’
— Janet Barclay
Often, it is in letting go of the big and cluttered that we can fully appreciate the abundance in our lives.
— Yota Schneider
I know I need to declutter when I am feeling drained or fatigued. It’s a bodily response informing me that there are too many things going on or too much to focus on accurately and well. When I have that realization, I do my best to spring into decluttering mode so that I free myself up for smooth action again.
— Christine Li, Ph.D.
If we don’t prioritize our joy, our lives slip by, and while we’ll have served the clients and cooked the meals, and checked off our tasks, will we have really lived?
— Julie Bestry
Optimism is key to finding opportunities. When we are down, we feel stuck. Staying optimistic doesn’t mean you need to deny what is going on. You choose to put your energy into something that will uplift and motivate you.
— Sabrina Quairoli
Enlisting help either as a mentor/teacher, accountability partner, or a cheerleader can make the difference between reaching your goal or giving up.
— Jonda Beattie
…I often ask my clients to consider what they ‘get to do’ vs. ‘have to do.’ Right now, I’m joyfully anticipating a light day, some reading time, and prepping for the rest of the week. I ‘get to’ think ahead about my clients and meetings and family time – all of which I’m grateful for. It’s a key component of mindfulness...
— Sara Skillen
…it’s easier to be grateful and optimistic than we think.
— Janet Schiesl
Rather than ‘I don’t know how,’ say ‘I am learning to.’ It is all about our perspective and our capacity to keep learning.
— Ellen Delap
…this moment of calm was a true blessing…balance comes from allowing all activities to have some time, including stillness and rest.
— Seana Turner

These quotes were taken from our lively dialogue on the blog this year. What resonates with you? Is there one idea you’d like to bring forward into the New Year? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

12 Best Quotes of the Year That Will Make You Inspired
12 Best Quotes of the Year That Will Make You Inspired

As we wind down one heck of a year, many of us reflect on the past twelve months and the year that is about to start. 2020 has been full of intense emotions and experiences, along with amazing conversations we’ve shared together on the blog. We’ve walked side-by-side as we’ve navigated turbulent waters, made discoveries and wrestled with life balance. In our free-flowing exchanges, insights and new perspectives emerged.

Our conversations about life balance, change, mindfulness, clutter, letting go, motivation, organizing, coping, resilience, hope, pandemics, and more have provided immense comfort, connection, and joy. Thank you for being part of this generous community. You inspire me to show up, write, think, explore, and engage.

I am deeply grateful for the thoughtful words and beautiful sharing of this community. I’ve curated twelve of my favorite quotes of the year from my top engagers, selecting one from each month and topic. Thank you, Deb Lee, Diane Quintana, Ellen Delap, Janet Barclay, Janet Schiesl, Julie Bestry, Melissa Gratias, Nancy Haworth, Ronni EisenbergSabrina Quairoli, Seana Turner, and Yota Schneider. You are the consistent voices and readers that bring our conversations to life. My gratitude to you and everyone who reads the blog, contributes to our discussions, or shares the posts. You bring hope, light, curiosity, perspective, and learning to each day.

Enjoy the year in review- one quote, insight, and inspiration at a time!


12 Best Quotes From Our Conversations This Year That Will Make You Inspired

1. Fresh Start - How a Simple Change in Perspective Can Spark Your Fresh Start

. . . sometimes a slight change can encourage a fresh start. Whenever I’m feeling stagnant, I will change location, for example, working from a different coffee shop or running on a different trail. Just a location change from my normal routine can sometimes help me get out of feeling stuck.
— Nancy Haworth, Certified Professional Organizer

Change is inevitable, whether we like it or not . . . Gathering a support system is critical for navigating change and situations that are less than comfortable. It doesn’t matter if it’s brainstorming, consulting, or comforting; we all need a team to help us move forward.
— Ronni Eisenberg, Professional Organizer & Author

Every day, we’ll have to approach things with discernment. What can I reasonably do now to keep myself calm and focus on the true priorities? What must I put aside (anxiety? fear? perfectionism?) to get through this moment so I can be present for the next one?
— Julie Bestry, Certified Professional Organizer

I’m spending a little too much time ruminating and over-thinking past events. The words that float through my brain are ‘If only I’d had the wisdom to ... I would have ...’ I know it’s not possible to change the past and that all I have is now. I’m giving myself the grace to live in the present.
— Diane Quintana, Productivity and Organizing Expert

Authentic decluttering for me is letting go of the item as soon as I know it has served me well. That is the case for any item. I release it sooner rather than later.
— Ellen Delap, Certified Professional Organizer

I have had to redefine ‘delight’ this year, and it has been an excellent exercise for me. I have taken better care of my physical and mental health, savored the small moments that may have eluded me before, and learned the joy of ‘time affluence.’ I feel that I will be a different (better) person for having had this experience.
— Melissa Gratias,Ph.D., Productivity Coach

. . . when I can’t focus on something, I start by doing small steps that are in the process. Sometimes steps do not have to be in order when completing. Randomization is OK if you are still working toward your goal.
— Sabrina Quairoli, Small Business Administrator

Virtual organizing can be a great way to keep the momentum going. It keeps you in touch with your organizer and moves you forward even when you’re pressed for time.
— Deb Lee, Digital Productivity Consultant

One thing I’ve noticed about noticing is that I never do it when I am in a hurry. Hurry and mindfulness seem to be at odds with one another. If I want to notice, I need to slow down.
— Seana Turner, Professional Organizer

I love this sentiment. Holding on to change is so much more positive than letting things go.
— Janet Schiesl, Certified Professional Organizer

These days we’re asked to dance in all kinds of weather, aren’t we? We have to start where we are, do what we can, and build our reserves of resilience and joy. For me, it’s always been the little things. Moments of beauty and peace strung together through the day that keeps me grounded and inspired.
— Yota Schneider, Life Coach & Retreat Leader

We’ll be doing everything virtually this year, and I’m grateful we have that option. Although it definitely won’t be the same, it will probably be a lot more relaxing than the years when we rushed from one house to another to fit in all the visits!
— Janet Barclay, Website Designer

These quotes were taken from the lively dialogue we had on the blog this year. What resonates with you? Is there one idea you’d like to bring forward into the New Year? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

New Year. New Numbers.

There’s hope in numbers. There are possibilities in numbers. There’s opportunity in numbers for a fresh start.

Pick a number. Make a plan. What one thing will you focus on to bring a positive change to your year?


2015 year

1 month

6  day

359 days remaining for 2015

5 years I’ve been blogging

248 number of blog posts I’ve written

When I began blogging in 2010, the thought of writing 100 or even 200 posts didn’t seem possible. 248 posts later, I discovered that a consistent effort over an extended period of time yielded positive outcomes.

These past five years I’ve had the honor and pleasure of sharing incredibly rich conversations with all of you. It’s been an honest exchange of ideas and perspectives. The numbers have spawned wonderful friendships, connections, insights, growth and change.

It’s fresh start time. What will the next 359 days of this year be about for you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Join our conversation!





Ask the Expert: Todd Henry

Our popular “Ask the Expert” interview series connects you with dynamic industry thought leaders. This year we’ve spoken with psychologist, Dr. Debbie Grove about change and author and minimalist, Joshua Becker about fresh starts. For March, I’m excited to have with us inspiring author, Todd Henry to share his insights about next steps.

I recently finished reading Todd’s latest book, Die Empty, and loved it. He encourages us to live each day purposefully and with more urgency. Die Empty is a must read.  I’m thrilled that Todd was available to join us. My gratitude goes to him for his thought-provoking responses. I know you’re going to enjoy his ideas about next steps. Before we begin, here’s more about him.


Todd Henry is the founder of Accidental Creative, a consultancy that helps people and teams to be prolific, brilliant, and healthy. He teaches companies how to be creative under pressure, collaborate more effectively, and align their activities around the work that matters most. He's also the author of two books, The Accidental Creative and Die Empty, which was named as one of Amazon’s "Best Books of 2013.” You can connect with Todd on Twitter, Facebook or website. 



Linda Samuels:  As an author, speaker, consultant and coach, you inspire individuals and teams to “generate brilliant ideas” and live fulfilled lives. How can we best prepare for “next?”

Todd Henry:  We all face uncertainty daily. It’s a fact of the new marketplace, where most of us are compensated for turning our thoughts into value each day. However, in the face of that uncertainty we are not helplessly at the whim of the workload. We can choose to build practices and structures to help position us to bring our best to what we do each day. Tomorrow’s brilliance is rooted in the soil of today’s activity.


Linda:  What if “next” isn’t obvious?

Todd:  It’s never obvious, or at least the best ideas typically aren’t. That’s why daily practice is so critical. It’s what allows you to problem find, not just problem solve. Those who see patterns, recognize opportunities, and are poised to take advantage of them when they arise are the people who win the future.


Linda:  In your book, Die Empty, you talk about the importance of “making steady, critical progress each day on the projects that matter, in all areas of life.” What is a favorite strategy for moving forward?

Todd:  The most important element of this is defining a through-line, or an outcome that you are committed to. It’s easy to get carried along by the work, or to allow the flow of life to cause you to drift from opportunity to opportunity or project to project, but when you have a specific through-line, or outcome that you are committed to it helps you contextualize all of your daily activities and measure whether they are advancing you toward your overall objectives. It’s amazing how defining what you are about suddenly brings clarity to your priorities.


Linda:  What is your most surprising discovery about figuring out “next?”

Todd:  The most surprising thing is that it’s rarely the “a-ha” that everyone seems to crave. Brilliant insights, innovations, and works of art rarely emerge in a flash of fire, but instead are a smolder over time that eventually grows into a blaze. The key is to be mindful, have practices that help you to ask better questions, and to pay attention for those little hunches, moments of insight, or seemingly irrelevant ideas that could be the foundation for something really big. In many ways, it’s learning how to listen to your inner voice even when it seems to be slightly off-topic.


Linda:  What has been your biggest personal challenge around taking next steps?

Todd:  I tend to have “shiny object syndrome,” meaning that I tend to bounce from exciting new project to exciting new project. As a result, I’ve had to have other people in my life to keep me focused on the results I’m seeking and follow-through on projects until they reach their intended end. Book projects are good for me, because they are a long-arc project with a dedicated end date, and they are easy to work on in “chunks” of thought, so I get to satisfy the wandering attention span while still making steady progress on a long-arc project.


Linda:  Is there anything you’d like to share that I haven’t asked?

Todd:  The most important thing to remember is that today matters. We have a tendency to believe the lie that tells us we’ll always have tomorrow to do today’s work. We don’t. It’s important to spend your finite resources (focus, assets, time, energy) each day in a way you’ll not regret later. Engage with urgency and diligence, because those are the foundation of hustle, and hustle is the best antidote to lifelong regret.


Todd, there are so many gems here. Some ideas that resonate with me include that next often isn’t obvious, ask better questions, listen to your inner voice, enlist the help of others so that you can do your best work, and that “today matters.” What wonderful ideas to contemplate and act on.

Please join Todd and me as we continue the conversation. We’d love to hear your ideas about next steps. What are you thinking about?