Posts in Getting Motivated
Three Types of Motivation and Really Helpful Ways to Sustain Them

When you think about types of motivation, often thoughts are about internal and external motivation. Recently, I noticed another way to consider motivation and helpful strategies to sustain them.

Instead of focusing on where motivation comes from, think about how much motivation you need over a specific time. For example, the time and motivation you need to accomplish a single task like responding to an email differ from what’s required to achieve a long-term goal such as organizing an entire home.

With this in mind, let’s look at three types of motivation that are time-based and ways to help you nourish your motivation.


3 Types of Motivation with Helpful Ways to Sustain Them

1. Short Motivation Burst


  • You can accomplish the task with a few simple steps.

  • You can complete the task in less than 30 minutes.

  • You can do the task on your own.

  • The task has few if any obstacles to entry.

Short motivation examples include:

  • Meditating

  • Taking a walk

  • Making a phone call

  • Responding to an email

  • Clearing the dishes from the kitchen sink

  • Putting your laundry in the hamper

  • Decluttering your handbag

  • Sorting today’s mail

In most cases, you need low motivation to complete these activities because they require less energy and have a high satisfaction or “done” rate. If you’re a list maker, you’ll enjoy the endorphin ping you’ll receive when you’re able to quickly check that “one and done” off of your list.

When you struggle with getting motivated, selecting a short motivation burst activity can give you the energy needed to tackle something more extensive.


To enhance long-term motivation, gather your support team.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™


2. Medium Motivation Gallop


  • You can accomplish the item with multiple steps.

  • You can complete the item over several days or months.

  • You might require help or information from someone.

  • You might encounter some obstacles before or during the process.

Medium motivation examples include:

  • Preparing tax returns

  • Developing a new workshop

  • Organizing a kitchen

  • Writing an article
    Reviewing your financials

  • Editing and re-organizing your filing system

  • Helping your kid pack for college

More motivation and energy are needed to complete these types of projects. You might encounter some emotional or physical challenges along the way or be unsure of your next step. The challenges can result in feeling deflated or de-motivated.

To sustain motivation for the medium motivation projects, spend time gathering your resources, whether physical ones like trash bags, markers, and boxes or emotional ones, like the support of friends, family members, or professional organizers like me.


3. Long Motivation Journey


  • You can accomplish your project with a series of mini goals.

  • You can complete your project over months or a year plus.

  • You will require external support and possibly a team.

  • You will experience obstacles before and during the process.

Long motivation examples include:

Since the long motivation projects happen over an extended time, it can be especially challenging to maintain the energy and motivation needed to bring them to fruition. You will sometimes experience challenges, waning motivation levels, and energy loss.

To sustain your motivation:

  • Break the projects down into doable mini goals

  • Pace yourself, which will reduce burnout

  • Gather your support team

  • Enlist help from accountability and thought partners

  • Share with others what you are working on

  • Gather tools and resources to accomplish what you want in advance

  • Add to your toolbox along the way

  • Keep your eye on the goal, but be flexible with how you get there

As you head for the end goal, focusing on appreciating the journey and the mini successes along the way will enhance your motivation and satisfaction.

Have you considered motivation needs based on time parameters? If so, what has your experience been? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

Learn the Helpful Secret for One Easy Way to Quickly Get Motivated

It can feel challenging to get motivated when you’re experiencing a transition and even when you’re not. Overwhelm, or exhaustion can take over. When it does, do you find it difficult to access your motivation for things like organizing your home, making plans, writing a blog post, reaching out for help, or handling routine tasks? Does that sound familiar? No one is motivated 100% of the time. But that can be problematic when it’s getting in the way of focusing on things you want and need to do.

There are many ways to get motivated, but for today, I’ll keep it simple with this one helpful secret so as not to add to your overwhelm. OK. It’s no longer a secret because I’m about to share it with you.

I came across a quote from writer Anne Lamott relevant to the how to get motivated challenge many of you encounter. Anne said . . .

Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.
— Anne Lamott

Let’s take a breath and digest this. When stressed, overwhelmed, and fuzzy-brained, instead of taking a beneficial break, we often do the opposite and continue pushing beyond depleted. How does that work for you?

I’ve noticed that while it seems like a good idea at the time to “just finish one more thing” or “push past my fatigue,” that’s a much more challenging way to go. When you overextend regularly, you can experience the law of diminishing returns, which works against being motivated, productive, and happy.

Instead, just stop. Yes. I said stop. As Anne suggests, things (and you) will work better when you unplug for even a few minutes.

What could this mean for you? What would a brief stop to unplug look like? It’s worth coming up with your own list of possibilities. You can pull it out of your back pocket when your motivation diminishes.

My unplugging to get motivated list includes:

  • Dipping my toes in the Croton River

  • Listening to the trickling water sounds in our birdbath fountain

  • Watching the leaves ‘wave’ as the wind blows

  • Taking a walk in the woods

  • Sipping leisurely a glass of iced tea

  • Lying down with my shoes off and eyes closed for 15 minutes

  • Looking at the gorgeous colors of the beautiful summer blooms

  • Stepping away from my tech tools

  • Meditating

  • Sweeping the front path

  • Sitting outside while eating a slice of juicy watermelon

  • Doing some slow, intentional breathing

After engaging in one of these nurturing, restorative activities for a brief time, I feel energized and ready for the next. And for a super dose of motivation, try grouping several of your preferred items back-to-back. Before writing this post, I walked in the woods, dipped my toes in the river, and meditated. Afterward, I was motivated, rested, and ready to write.

Are you struggling with getting motivated? What would unplugging for a few minutes or more do for you? What would that look like? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

How to Improve Motivation By One Perspective Shift From Time to Energy Management
How to Improve Motivation By One Perspective Shift from Time to Energy Management

During a recent Advisor meeting with Marcy Stoudt, Executive Coach and founder of Executive Mom Nest, she talked about the great equalizer, which is the 24 hours we each have every day. We often think of those hours in terms of time management or how to best manage our time. Marcy proposed something I never heard before. Instead of thinking about time management, what if we reframed the concept to energy management? Considering this alternate perspective, you have an opportunity for less strain, better balance, and improved motivation.

Instead of focusing on the things that zap your energy, what makes you feel more energized? What are the motivating, energy-boosting activities you are already doing? What else can you incorporate into the day that feeds rather than depletes you? Most of us have at least a few activities that are demotivating and exhausting. What can you do to balance them and replenish your reserves?

Our days include:

  • Having scheduled appointments

  • Managing self-care basics

  • Working on long or short-term projects

  • Running errands

  • Connecting with people and so much more.

Each requires a block of time. Instead of organizing your day by how much time things take, also consider their energy quotient. Match your higher brainpower activities with your more energetic times of the day. For the morning people like me, work on the more demanding things first. Don’t save them for the evening when your energy is low. Pay attention to what depletes you. To balance that drain, create white space in your day, incorporate rejuvenating moments, and match your natural energy rhythms to appropriate activities.

Instead of thinking about time management, what if we reframed the concept to ‘energy’ management?
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™

Thinking about my own energy management, these are some of the things I do that energize and nourish me:

  • I prioritize self-care through meditation, journaling, walking, doing yoga, connecting with loved ones, eating healthfully, hydrating, and getting enough sleep.

  • I am intentional with my time, avoid overscheduling, and include white space. That space enables me to make smoother, less stressful transitions between appointments and activities.

  • I spend time with people whose company I enjoy.

  • I work with virtual organizing clients that are motivated and committed to growth and change.

  • I check in with myself throughout the day, listen to what I need, and adjust accordingly.

  • I stop to smell the flowers, watch the grass blow in the breeze, feel the warm summer sun on my face, and hug my husband.

  • I can go fast but choose not to rush.

  • I stop doing, so I can just be.

  • I am mindful and present

Have you considered energy management? How can it transform your relation to time, pacing, and motivation? What resonates with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

5 Favorite Motivation Quotes to Empower Your Day When You Need an Extra Boost
5 Favorite Motivation Quotes to Empower Your Day When You Need an Extra Boost

Words carry messages of motivation, hope, joy, determination, sorrow, defeat, and resolve. How often have you been faced with a challenge and wanted to give up? Have you experienced paralyzing overwhelm that demotivates you to act? We’ve all been there. You are not alone. 

There are many ways to recharge your motivation, like changing your scenery, working with a professional organizer like me, or breaking an enormous task or project into smaller, doable pieces. Sometimes, the simplicity of a phrase, mantra, or idea can be just what you need to turn the corner. And even if the issues are more complex, having some words that resonate with you can boost and keep you motivated.

I'm keeping things simple this time and sharing my five favorite motivational quotes. When your motivation is low, focus on one of these messages to help move you forward. I’m curious which one will resonate most with you.


5 Favorite Motivation Quotes to Empower and Inspire

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
— Arthur Ashe

Focus on choices, not limitations. See the possibility and potential of the moment.
— Akiroq Brost

It’s always too early to quit.
— Norman Vincent Peale

Obstacles and challenges are the agents of growth.
— Jen Sincero

To begin, begin.
— William Wordsworth

Motivation needs to be nourished, and one way is through words. Which quote speaks to you and why? Do you have another motivation quote that you like? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.