Posts tagged positive thoughts
What Are Today's Interesting Finds? - v12

The latest installment (v12) of the “What’s Interesting?” feature is here with my newest discoveries that inform, educate, and relate to organizing and life balance. I’ve included unique and inspiring possibility thinking-related finds, which reflect this month’s blog theme. You’re a wonderfully engaged group. I look forward to your participation and additions to the collection I’ve sourced for you. What do you find interesting?

What’s Interesting? . . .

1. Interesting Read – Productivity Possibilities

How does productivity works? Why are some people and companies more productive than others? Why do some imagine and actualize possibilities and while others struggle? Charles Duhigg, Pulitzer Prize-winning author explores these questions in his latest book, Smarter Faster Better– The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business. The book is “about how to recognize the choices that fuel true productivity” and “…how to succeed with less effort.” He explores eight concepts including motivation, goal setting, and decision making that emerged from studying experiences of highly productive people and the latest research in neuroscience, psychology and behavioral economics. Dughigg says, “…productivity is about making certain choices in certain ways. The way we choose to see ourselves and frame daily decisions; the stories we tell ourselves, and the easy goals we ignore; the sense of community we build among teammates; the creative cultures we establish as leaders: These are the things that separate the merely busy from the genuinely productive.”

2. Interesting Perspective - Organized Possibilities

While many believe that there is a “right” way or just “one” way to be organized, let’s dispel that myth right now. It’s just not true. We are different.  We have diverse needs and preferences. For organizing strategies to be effective and useful they have to reflect our uniqueness. So while I might prefer to have my clothes hanging in my closet, facing the same direction on matching hangers, by clothing type and in color order, you might prefer piling your clothes on the big comfy chair in the corner of your bedroom. And you know what? If “chairdrobe” works for you, go for it! Being organized looks and feels differently to each of us. What possibilities can you imagine when you take should out of the organizing equation?

3. Interesting Research - Feel Good Possibilities

Have you noticed that in the digital age we tend to use our fingers or voices to type, text and communicate? We write by hand much less. While there’s speed and efficiency when we use our digital devices, we might be missing out on a few things. Research suggests that writing by hand not only helps the brain to remember more, but can make you feel good too. Neuroscientist and author, Kelly Lambert, Ph.D., says, “The brain’s reward center is connected to one of the movement centers…so one way to activate pleasure is through physical effort.” Next time you need a boost, pick up a pen and activate the possibilities.

4. Interesting Product – Time Possibilities


A favorite product that I’ve featured many times is the Time Timer®, a simple time management tool designed to display time elapsing with the movement of a red disk on the timer’s face. The company just developed a new accessory, a dry erase board that integrates beautifully with the timer to highlight time-sensitive messages and appointments. This wonderful combo enhances the possibilities for managing our time more effectively.

5. Interesting Thought - Unleashing Possibilities

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Are you having challenges moving forward, pursuing a new idea, or accomplishing a goal? Have you considered the power of your thoughts? What messages are you telling yourself? Are your thoughts enhancing or hindering your possibilities? As the graphic here asks so clearly, “What’s stopping you?” Focus on positive thoughts and unleash amazing possibilities.

I’d love to hear your thoughts. What are your interesting finds? Which possibilities resonate with you?  You matter. Come join the conversation!

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Pressing the Restart Button

We move through our days and weeks. There are times when things just aren't working. Do you know what I mean? Our thoughts are negative. Our stress is sky high. Our organizing systems that used to work “just fine” are not functioning well. We’re not eating healthfully, sleeping well, or taking care of our emotional well-being. We’re kind of a mess.


So here’s an idea. Computers have a restart button. Why can’t we have a fresh start button? Let’s begin simply. Fill your mind with encouraging ideas. Build from there.

Focus on thoughts that will encourage a fresh start. Here are some favorite positive thoughts to get you started:



Do you need a fresh start button? Push the button. What’s next for you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Come join the conversation. 





5 Ways to Get A Fresh Start

There’s nothing like “fresh!” Here we are at the beginning of a new year. We’re just a few days into the month. Each of us has an opportunity to wipe the slate clean, reset our goals and design our next twelve months. There are many great ways to harness this energy on a daily basis. I’ll share some of my ideas and I’d love to hear from you too.

5 Ways to Get a Fresh Start

Find Your First Sip- Conjure up the scent of that morning pot of coffee brewing. After delighting in the aroma, now imagine taking your first sip from your favorite mug. For me, this simple act of enjoying my coffee not only is pleasurable, but also signals that it’s time to begin again and sets a hopeful tone for my day.  If you’re not a coffee drinker, perhaps brushing your teeth, taking a shower, or doing some deep breathing will work instead. The idea is to find your starter or first sip.

Display the Vibrancy- Another way to create a new start atmosphere is to add fresh flowers to your environment. I love getting flowers before their petals have opened.  Cutting their stems, arranging them into favorite containers and placing them in full view creates a tone of vibrancy, life and hope. I particularly delight in bouquets of tulips this time of year. Their joyful shapes and colorful blooms remind me that the cold of winter will soon be followed by the warmth of spring. It’s hope in a vase.

Pump Up the Positive- Take time to reflect on your accomplishments and good memories from last year. These thoughts will create a positive expectation and increase your confidence as you take on new projects and goals. When I think about the past year, the two things that stand out most for me were successfully launching our youngest daughter off to college and writing regularly for my own blog and others. What are you proud of from last year? What experiences did you have that boosted your happiness?

Let it Go- It’s all too easy to stay stuck in the Land of Didn’t Dos. To make the most of your fresh start, let go of your mistakes, disappointments and failures. We are human. None of us are exempt from these experiences. The key is in how you process them. Depending upon the depth of the disappointment, you might not be able to put it aside without some outside help. If something is holding you back to the point of contaminating your days, get the help you need so that you can let go and move ahead. Learning, forgiveness and understanding are essential.

Bring On the Sparkle- There’s nothing like a little bit of glitter to lift my mood, create some daily magic and set the tone for experimentation and possibilities. This season in particular, shiny things are everywhere and I love it! However, long before the design industry deemed it so, I have enjoyed being surrounded by glittered-laden pencils, sparkly eye shadow, reflective glass, sequined pillows and jeweled picture frames. These external sparkles remind me to pursue the people, places and things that bring out that inner twinkle.

Sometimes it’s the smallest of things that lets us take a deep breath, forgive ourselves and allow us to move forward. Whether it’s that first sip of coffee or a glitter-covered Eiffel Tower ornament, surround yourself with cues that encourage you to make the most of the New Year. What inspires your fresh start?

Nature Inspired Letting Go

As the beauty of spring is blooming all around me, I reflect back on the force with which winter cleared it’s excess to make room for the incredible growth. The winter storms this past season brought a violent uprooting of trees, limbs and terrain. Talk about letting go!

What does this mean for us? Nature’s dramatic changes can inspire us to let go. If we were to remove our excess, how magnificently could we bloom?

There are different types of letting go. Sometimes our actual clutter takes up physical space in our lives, which prevents us from moving freely about our homes. This type of clutter not only crowds us, but also takes a toll on our emotional well-being. When we allow ourselves to clear our spaces and release the excess possessions, papers and “stuff,” we begin to create room for what we actually desire. We breathe better, feel lighter, calmer and happier.

Sometimes letting go has to do less with physical possessions but more with negative thoughts or beliefs that hold us back. When we feed ourselves negative messages like “I am incapable of being organized” or “I am a total disaster,” these limiting beliefs prevent us from moving forward. When we decide to let go of the negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones, we create possibilities for wonderful changes.

There is another kind of letting go. Are you holding someone so tightly that you are stifling both his or her growth and yours? We cannot control everything or everyone. When we feel the need to control people, be it our children, spouses, friends or others, not only does it prevent them from thriving but it also holds us back. It takes much more energy to hold on then it does to let go.

The chaos and disarray of the winter storms have given way to the clearing of the landscape and bountiful growth of spring. As I look outside, I am acutely aware how nature’s severe pruning while disturbing, was essential. Growth comes out of discomfort and struggle. Letting go may not be easy, but it can be life altering in a positive way. Release your excess and delight in what transpires!