Posts tagged motivation boost
3 Delightful Ways to Increase Your Motivation Now

What drives you to do something? There are many factors, and motivation is one of the most significant ones. Author and educator Kendra Cherry said, “It [motivation] is the driving force behind human actions.” However, you can’t take this “force” for granted. Motivation needs to be cultivated and encouraged. Even when you’ve clarified your why, using additional strategies to stay motivated can be valuable.

Summer brings longer days and a change of pace. This is an excellent season to attend to organizing and other projects or goals you have on hold. Is a lack of motivation preventing you from achieving your goals? If so, here are three quick strategies to help.


3 Ways to Increase Your Motivation Now

1. Set a Deadline

There’s nothing as powerful as a deadline to light the ‘motivation’ fire under you. One way to accomplish this is to bundle finishing tasks and projects with an event deadline, such as having guests over, leaving for vacation, or working between meetings. That added ‘beat the clock’ incentive creates a motivation boost.

Recently, we went away for vacation. While packing was one of the necessary things I did before departing, I was also incentivized and motivated by the ‘leaving soon’ deadline to finish other projects and tasks. I could go away with a clear mind, fully enjoy my time off, and return home to a calm environment.



2. Create Accountability

The number one reason clients contact me is because they are overwhelmed. When overwhelm is present, it can block the motivation needed to take action. The second reason clients reach out is that they recognize the value of accountability and want an accountability partner. Virtual organizing is a great way to mesh accountability and motivation for achieving your goals.

If you need help getting unstuck, moving forward with your organizing projects, or figuring out what comes next, let me know. I am ready to help. Contact me at or through this form.



Motivation needs to be cultivated and encouraged.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

3. Pause to Restore

Being overworked and exhausted impairs motivation. Life isn’t only about doing and accomplishing. It would help if you had time to rest and restore. Even a short pause can be an effective way to increase your motivation.

Your pause can be a coffee break, a walk outside, several deep breaths, a mindfulness meditation, a quick nap, a massage, or a conversation with a friend. There is no limit to the types or lengths of pauses you can take.

One of the great pleasures for me is lying in our hammock. It’s a perfect way to pause, relax, rest, and restore. A few weekends ago, my husband and I took the pause together. What a joy! After a good rest, I had the energy and motivation to work on one of my projects.


Do these strategies resonate with you? What helps increase your motivation? I’d love to hear your thoughts and invite you to join the conversation.

What Reasons Motivate Every Client to Easily Let Go of Clutter?
What Reasons Motivate Every Client to Easily Let Go of Clutter?

Clutter can be a non-issue. However, for many of my clients, clutter that has established residency in their homes is a big challenge. Here is the thing. With some exceptions, the clutter didn’t appear overnight. It may not have felt problematic until the day you or a family member noticed it. Clutter is tricky in how it collects slowly, one postponed decision or action at a time. Have you noticed how clutter attracts more clutter? When surfaces and spaces are clear of excess, it’s easier to see when papers pile up or clothing draped on chairs are out of place. When there is too much stuff, it can become overwhelming and difficult to find a way forward. So what can you do?

Decluttering is a verb, which involves action. Taking action requires motivation. Identifying your why is essential to motivation, especially when you feel stuck. If your reasons aren’t compelling, then any significant movement will be less likely. The more clarity you have about why you want to change, the greater your chance for success.


When I work with my virtual organizing clients, having them articulate their why is a critical part of the work. Even before we begin working together during our initial contact, I listen carefully for their ‘why.’ I ask questions including:


What is driving your desire for change?

What prompted your call?

Why now?


The ‘why’ becomes a critical ingredient in my clients’ progress. If their reason is non-existent or weak, it could indicate they aren’t ready to move forward. It might also mean they need a different type of help, like a therapist. Or perhaps they don’t have the time and energy right now to devote to making a change.

Decluttering is a verb, which involves action.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™

The ‘why’ is different from a strategy. For example, many of my clients find that scheduling regular virtual organizing sessions provides accountability, which helps them accomplish more in between sessions. Using an accountability partner is a strategy. And sure, they experience a motivation boost knowing that we’re going to meet. However, our scheduled sessions aren’t the why behind the work. The ‘why’ is more personal, impactful, and comes from deep within. Do any of these resonate with you?


‘Whys’ That Motivate My Clients to Let Go of Clutter

  • I don’t want to feel overwhelmed by my stuff.

  • I don’t want to feel clutter-related stress and anxiety.

  • I don’t want my things to be a burden for my loved ones to handle after I’m gone.

  • I want to feel more in control of my life.

  • I want to have company over without feeling embarrassed by the clutter.

  • I want to feel safe at home so that I don’t trip or fall.

  • I want my priorities to be in alignment with my physical environment.

  • I want to stop wasting time and be able to easily find what I’m looking for.

  • I want to stop overbuying because I have so much clutter I don’t know what I already own.

  • I want to downsize, prepare our house for sale, and then move.

  • I want to make our home ready for the birth of our baby.

  • I want to create calm, uncluttered office space so I can work remotely without distractions.

  • I want my relationship with my spouse to improve. My clutter is a cause of contention.

  • I want to stop paying for storage.

  • I want my home to feel peaceful and calm. The clutter is distracting, and I can’t focus.

  • I want to let go of things taking up space, mental energy and serving no purpose.

  • I want less stuff. It’s too hard for me to maintain and manage.

  • I want to simplify and declutter so I can enjoy the next season of my life.


This is a small sampling of motivating reasons my clients let go of clutter and embrace change. What motivates you, your clients, family, or friends to declutter? What influence does the ‘why’ have? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.