Fall's Visible Changes

The other day I was walking on my favorite path along the Hudson River. It was a gorgeous late afternoon with a coolish early fall temperature, a slight breeze, and the sun peeking in and out from the clouds above.

I’m always looking for visible changes, especially this time of year. Trees hold the magic and never disappoint. Catching my gaze was a small maple tree full of mostly green leaves. But what drew me close was one bright red leaf nestled among all the green ones. It was a sign!

Change was evident in its most visible, bold way. It was as if the red leaf had invited me to join it. The intense color and swaying movement encouraged me to be brave, step outside my comfort zone, and embrace change and what’s possible. OK. Maybe it wasn’t indicating all that, but I felt something visceral.

For me, hosting my first online workshop (How to Conquer Clutter) is a significant change. I’m so excited! It has been a long time in the making. So many of you have encouraged, guided, and inspired me. I’m deeply grateful to you.

If you have already registered, thank you. I can’t wait to see you on October 20th! Please invite others you think would enjoy it. Let’s clear the clutter and make space for what’s possible.

The Summer Exhale

The beginning of summer feels like a giant exhale. The kids are off from school, the anticipation of travel plans is present, and a visceral sense of ‘having more time’ is palpable. Is it because the days are longer? Is it that some of the regular meetings and responsibilities are on pause? Is the desire to relax and play so needed? Summer cues us to shift gears.

Some of my friends are teachers and have the summer off. Others are in pre-retirement mode. I am happy for them and am fascinated by how they embrace their less scheduled time. While I’m feeling the calmer summer vibe, I am working and don’t have the summer off.  I have, however, been playing more and appreciating extended daylight to walk in the woods or be outside.

I’m also looking forward to beach time and exploring new and familiar places. With the recent heat, I can’t wait to return to the water. Kayaking on the Croton River is one of my favorite things to do.

Summer is also a great time to edit, plan, and fix. I’ll be working on a few projects for my home and business. Let me know if you want help organizing your thoughts or things this summer. I’m here to support you and am a quick phone call or email away. How can I help?

Spring's Visible Magic

Spring’s magic is undeniable. Each day I see visible evidence of new growth. There is a purple flower here, grass coming up there, and plants displaying their “leaf out” mode. Seeds nurtured in the stillness of winter are blossoming into a landscape alive with color.

It’s not just plants that are thriving. I see this with my clients too. A small habit change, a shift in perspective, or a bag of donates given away. Minds, spaces, and calendars get cleared of clutter. Nurturing these seeds of change brings significant growth. It’s inspiring to see my clients move past feeling overwhelmed, being more in control of their spaces and actions, and leaning into their organizing journeys. It’s a joy and honor to walk on the path with you!

If your goal is to get organized this spring and you feel stuck with moving forward, I’m here to help. Schedule your virtual organizing session to experience your own spring magic.

Joyful Winter Moments

Winter is upon us, along with a new year. As I write this, a blanket of snow covers the landscape. The trees are bare, and the saturated colors from seasons past are asleep. However, there are some noticeable bright spots even with this quiet winter scape. I delight in discovering the red berries, yellow-green ferns, and deep blue-green pine trees beneath a dusting of snow.

These colorful gifts are tiny moments of joy. What becomes possible when you allow yourself time to pause and notice? Seeking joy is essential with the loss, stress, and uncertainty we’ve endured these last few years of pandemic life. Integrating it into your day builds resilience, brings happiness to darker times, increases your flexibility, and expands your perspective.

This is an excellent time of year to fully embrace the fresh start the New Year brings. How will you prioritize joy? What will you let go of? In what ways will you organize your time, space, and possessions, so they support and honor what you do and who you are? How can I help?

As you begin 2022, my heart and thoughts are with you. I wish you an organized joy-filled New Year!

'Live with Less' Project

Since late summer and into fall, I've been working on a personal 'live with less' project. After being inspired by our vacation at the Tiny House Resort in the Catskills, I let go of my fantasy of living in a tiny house. However, since then, I have decided to reduce the number of material things I own. Why? I want to feel lighter, and I don't want to burden our kids in the future with decision-making about our stuff.

It's not that our home is cluttered or lacking space. It's more that I don't want to own things that no longer have meaning or purpose. I've been shredding, donating, and tossing lots of stuff. It feels terrific- freeing, really. While there are still more areas to address, I'm happy with all I've accomplished so far. My emotional energy is better balanced, and I can focus on what is most important- family, friends, work, or my well-being. 

If you're curious about the details and my process, head to the Blog and read the four August 2021 posts about my low-pressure journey. 

What would be possible for you if you lived with less? Do you want assistance? Call or email me. I'm ready to help.

Power of the Small Tweak
Power of the small tweak

Summer is here, bringing with it those much-missed in-person gatherings, vacations, and time for organizing and other projects. This season also brings intense heat, which messes with our energy and motivation. I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling it. While I love walking daily, I’m finding it challenging to be outside in the hotness. It’s like walking in molasses. 

One of my friends suggested we walk inside in an air-conditioned store, like a big supermarket. What a great solution! It made me think about how we can get stuck in an “I can’t” mode. However, with some out-of-the-box thinking, we can find new ways to move forward. And so it goes with my daily commitment to walk, which is good for my health and wellbeing. With this new plan in place, the heat isn’t going to stop my motivation.

What tiny tweak in your plan can you make that will keep you motivated and moving forward?