'Live with Less' Project

Since late summer and into fall, I've been working on a personal 'live with less' project. After being inspired by our vacation at the Tiny House Resort in the Catskills, I let go of my fantasy of living in a tiny house. However, since then, I have decided to reduce the number of material things I own. Why? I want to feel lighter, and I don't want to burden our kids in the future with decision-making about our stuff.

It's not that our home is cluttered or lacking space. It's more that I don't want to own things that no longer have meaning or purpose. I've been shredding, donating, and tossing lots of stuff. It feels terrific- freeing, really. While there are still more areas to address, I'm happy with all I've accomplished so far. My emotional energy is better balanced, and I can focus on what is most important- family, friends, work, or my well-being. 

If you're curious about the details and my process, head to the Blog and read the four August 2021 posts about my low-pressure journey. 

What would be possible for you if you lived with less? Do you want assistance? Call or email me. I'm ready to help.