Posts tagged calendar
New Year, New Vision

Change is all around. Winter weather is here. The holidays have come and gone, and the New Year has arrived. I sense the seasonal pressure for change and a reset. Before moving forward, it’s helpful to reflect. I’m doing this by reading my journals, going through blog posts, reviewing stats, photos, the calendar, and more.

The year-end audit helps me understand what was, so I can future-think and plan for the new year. What will I let go of or embrace? What deserves more time, energy, and attention? Which goals will I pursue? The possibilities are exciting and also, in truth, a bit overwhelming. Only by doing the work will I get clarity.

I need quiet time to think, read, research, and reflect. Then, I’ll create a vision for 2023. Last year was the first time I made a vision board. It was so empowering that I’m doing it again. Elements included were a Word of the Year, a motto, and three big themed buckets with 9 to 12 goals each. With changes in mind, I’m open to altering the vision board process and outcome as needed. What do you want more or less of this year?

Wishing you a happy, healthy, joy-filled, and organized 2023!