Ebb & Flow of Clutter


When you walk into a space, what do you see? Are the floors and surfaces filled with things? Is the space completely empty? Is it somewhere in between? How does it make you feel? Upon entering, do you feel anxious or relaxed? Is the space welcoming or does it make you want to turn away and leave?

Spaces affect our moods. It has everything to do with what is and isn’t in them. Lately, I’ve been thinking about filling and emptying rooms and how the mood of the space changes with the movement of objects.

Back in the fall, we moved our youngest daughter into her college dorm. Since she was the first to arrive, the suite was empty. No possessions occupied the space. As she unpacked, the space transformed as her belongings took their places. The space continued to fill as each suitemate arrived. Clear areas quickly became cluttered.

Nine months later, spring came as Cassie’s freshman year ended. We went to pick her up. She was the last roommate to leave and was all packed when we arrived. The space, which had been filled by six people, was once again empty. The stuff and clutter was gone.

So, what does this have to do with you? You are probably not moving in and out of dorm rooms. You do, however, have the opportunity to start with a clean slate and consider your spaces. You can think about how you’d like them to look and feel. Are they more cluttered than you want? If so, this can be your time to clear and release. Are you ready for a change?  If so, this can be your time to transform your spaces into welcoming, beautiful places.

What can you imagine? Where will you begin?