It's Time!

Do you want time to get organized this spring but feel stuck? If so, here are ideas to help:

  • Reach Out Time- Sometimes, the best next step is to enlist help. There is enormous value in receiving personalized virtual organizing support. I’m here to help. Please email me at

  • Date Time- Make a ‘date’ in your calendar to work on one organizing project or goal. Blocking out time provides accountability and encourages forward movement.

  • Tiny Time- If you’re short on time, lean into the power of minutes. Take 5, 10, or 15 minutes to edit or organize something. Set a timer and then stop. Return another day and repeat until your task is complete.

  • Motivation Time- Is lack of motivation keeping you stuck? If so, it’s a great time to register for my new Motivation workshop. Learn simple solutions to move forward.