Next Steps

Do you ever feel stuck and unsure about what to do next? You're not alone. We've all been there. There are many strategies for getting unstuck and moving forward, including these top three favorites.

  • Go Small- Figuring out the next step can overwhelm us to the point of procrastination. This often happens because we're thinking too far and too many steps ahead. Reduce "next" to the smallest possible and most doable action. This takes the scary out of the equation and reinforces the idea that, "I can do this!"  
  • Breathe Deeply- If you're like most of us, "busy" has become your "new normal." It's not just us, but also our children that are scheduled from morning to night. There's little fluff time in our days. Our busy-ness can make it hard to think, plan and be effective. To help the too busy syndrome, take a purposeful, mindful pause. Try some nice, slow deep breathing.
  • Let Go- There are times when what we thought should be next, doesn't happen. Our plan gets interrupted. Instead, if we opt to exercise our flexibility muscles, we can activate and get to next by letting go of our original plan.