Nurture What Needs Attention

While I enjoy all seasons, I feel incredibly hopeful as the magic of spring brings new daily blooms and the return of a color-filled landscape. I hunt for newly blossomed flowers and plants on my daily walks, feeling elated and surprised by each new discovery. It’s a season of growth both outside and within. It’s a season of tending to the garden and extending care to myself. Weeds take over the flower beds if I don’t pull them. If I don’t make time to edit my stuff, clutter can become invasive in my space and mind.

Will you give yourself time this spring to nurture what needs attention? It’s impossible to work on every area at once. Be kind to yourself and select one thing you want to focus on- relationships, home life, work, energy management, self-care, a specific project, or something else. Gift yourself time to tend. Your attention will yield beautiful blooms.

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